March 2016 Archive

Tilson congratulates Chamber in the House

Dufferin-Caledon MP David Tilson last week delivered a statement in the House of commons in recognition of the 30th anniversary of the Caledon Chamber of Commerce. ...

Colourful scene at Princess Ball in support of CF

Lots of artistic fun for Fire & Ice Festival at Alton Mill

Osler offers new, innovative life-saving surgical procedure at Brampton Civic

Patients suffering from life-threatening abdominal aortic aneurysms can now receive state-of-the-art surgery closer to home thanks to a new surgical procedure at William Osler Health ...

Editorial — Don’t forget the debt

The Provincial budget came down a couple of weeks ago, and as usual, the attention of most people was caught by certain items it contained. ...

Editorial Cartoon — March 10, 2016

Bill Rea — Trump can only go so far

Many people find elections both entertaining and a lot of fun. I’m in that group too, which is one of the reasons why I got ...

Talk of the Town by Mayor Allan Thompson — Lots has been happening in Caledon, and more is to come

Here we are in March already and thinking about spring. But before we get to far down that road I want to reflect a little ...

Ottawa Journal by David Tilson MP — The Liberals’ wrongheaded marijuana strategy

Last week, a Federal Court judge in British Columbia struck down federal regulations restricting the rights of medical marijuana patients to grow their own cannabis. ...

From Queen’s Park by Sylvia Jones MPP — How will the budget impact you?

When the provincial government released the Ontario budget, the changes the government announced required us to look at the fine print, as they will make ...

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