November 2013 Archive

Editorial Cartoon — Oct. 31, 2013

Bill Rea — Halloween is upon us

Today, or more accurately, tonight is Halloween. As of this writing, I don’t yet know how it’s all going to play out. You see, I’m ...

Mayor Marolyn Morrison — Caledon needs people who are interested in building communities

Ontario voters are occasionally known, somewhat notoriously, for voting a politician or political party “out of office,” as opposed to voting a better candidate or ...

Sylvia Jones MPP — Aggregate Recycling Promotion Act continues to move forward at Queen’s Park

My private member’s bill, Bill 56, the Aggregate Recycling Promotion Act successfully passed second reading Sept. 26 after receiving support from all parties. If enacted, ...

David Tilson MP — Federal government concentrating on seizing Canada’s moment

Canadians gave our government a mandate two years ago; a mandate to support job creation, keep taxes low and help make our streets and communities ...

Claire Hoy — The image: snorters at the trough

There was a time when your humble correspondent not only knew the names of all the federal and Ontario cabinet ministers, but also knew where ...

Province needs to do more for developmentally-disabled

Regarding Sian Leyshon-Doughty’s letter “Wanted: Inclusion of developmentally-disabled in Caledon” (Oct. 24): As executive director of Brampton Caledon Community Living, as well as the father ...

Toronto Zoo no place for elephants

In his column “Not sold on moving elephants” (Oct. 24, 2013), Bill Rea cannot understand why shipping the Toronto elephants (Iringa, Toka and Thika) to ...

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