April 2017 Archive

From Queen’s Park by Sylvia Jones MPP — Liberal government needs to address the growing debt burden

Ontario is the most indebted sub-national government in the world. No other state or province has as much debt as Ontario. The province’s debt now ...

Rotary Club of Palgrave’s Weekly Rotary Minute

By Janet Clark There is always a moment in one’s life that is life changing — an event that once experienced, alters a person’s perspective ...

Crucifixion didn’t start with Romans

By John Arnott It’s one of the most horrific ways to die ever devised by man. Crucifixion. The condemned man was fastened to a large ...

National Affairs by Claire Hoy — An unjustified attack

In the popular movie A Few Good Men, actor Jack Nicholson, as Marine Col. Nathan R. Jessup, is being cross-examined about a scandal at Guantanamo, ...

Faceoff to Fight raises thousands for cancer research

By Jake Courtepatte While some of the best in the area battled on the ice Saturday night at Bolton arena, what they were really doing ...

Wings take the SNHL title for the year

The Sunday Night Hockey League’s season wrapped up Saturday night. The Night of Champions had the Face Off to Fight Cervical Cancer charity game between ...

DQ Athletes of the Week — April 13, 2017

Crowd out to support Challenger baseball


OPP to conduct Seat Belt Campaign over long weekend

OPP are reporting a 20-year low and a steady decrease in seat belt-related deaths as they get set to conduct their Seat Belt Campaign over ...

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