August 2015 Archive

Bill Rea — Six months, we’ll complain it’s cold

There are those who will open sentences with the words “I hate to say I told you so.” Since I like to think of myself ...

Dodgers ousted in first round of NDBL playoffs

By Jake Courtepatte Although the Bolton Dodgers earned their first taste of post-season action this North Dufferin Baseball League season, it was an early and ...

From Queen’s Park by Silvia Jones MPP — Ombudsman’s recent report highlights Hydro One problems

Last week, Ontario’s Ombudsman released his 2014-2015 Annual Report. In the Ombudsman’s report, it highlights issues regarding the Family Responsibility Office (FRO), the Ontario Disability ...

National Affairs by Claire Hoy — Wynne’s ORPP a mindless money-pit

The first time Premier Kathleen Wynne sat down for what she agreed beforehand was to be a private meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, she ...

National Affairs by Claire Hoy — Guessing outcome is sheer folly

Fiinally, they’re off. After several months of unofficial electioneering by all three major parties, Prime Minister Stephen Harper stopped campaigning just long enough on the ...

OPP Youth Leadership Camp gets a lot done

By Bill Rea A lot of good work was done for the community recently and some 20 young people had a good time doing it. ...

Overhauled coaching staff ready for Golden Hawks season

By Jake Courtepatte With pre-season play set to kick off next month, the junior C Caledon Golden Hawks will be hitting the ice with a ...

Child car seat clinic Sept. 12

Caledon OPP Auxiliary officers will be hosting a child car seat clinic Sept. 12. It will run from 8:30 a.m. until noon and will be at ...

Top Canadian — Andrew York finishes seventh at Pan Am Games

It’s been a busy year for Caledon’s Andrew Yorke. Twelve months ago, the former Humberview Secondary School student was the top Canadian, in fourth place ...


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