October 6, 2016 · 0 Comments
What can we expect from our Ontario government in our last few years of our hard life?
In the past few years, the cost of the necessities of life has increased out of proportion, in a way that the 0.9 per cent increase in our old age pensions cannot cover. Taxes, water, hydro, heating fuel, groceries — all are up about 30 per cent.
I have lived in Vaughan since the early ‘80s. The population when I moved there was 35,000. Now it’s 350,000. With that increase in population, no mathematician would allow a tax increase per unit. Then I conceived a thought that may explain it.
“Part of the public money must be spent for the advantage of the few.”
Instead of the service of all, every project that any government does finishes way over budget. Do we not have engineers who can make an estimate within five per cent? We are paying for them in our administration and not getting our money’s worth.
Electricity. The previous premier demolished Lakeview because they were burning coal. Then we bought power from the U.S.A., which is generated by coal. Did we help fight pollution or waste money?
Now we sold part of our generating plant to a private company, which only has profits in mind, not the people. Our price went up 30 per cent in a month. Then they spent $450 million to build a state of the art generating plant in Etobicoke. Halfway up, everything is canceled, and $450 million wasted!
Now this government is trying to save money by cutting the health system without regard to the old people who are a high percentage of the population and came here in the 1950s to work, and broke their backs to build the beautiful Canada that a few people enjoy and others of us cannot afford to.
Where have all the taxes we paid over 50 years gone? Are they financing all the bureaucracy and CEOs?
The families are the strength of a nation and they deserve to earn a decent wage so that one parent stays with the growing children.
Guido Nasuti,
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