May 10, 2017 · 0 Comments
The Town of Caledon is conducting a review of the Palgrave Estate Policy Area, and will be hosting an open house on the matter June 1.
It will run from 7 to 9 pm. at Caledon Equestrian Park, 200 Pine Ave. in Palgrave.
The Town is conducting the review to determine where and how to accommodate the residential and population-related growth anticipated for the area to 2031.
A key intent of this review is to ensure that the policies are reflective of Provincial policy changes since the Secondary Plan was put in place approximately 30 years ago. The outcome of the study will be a new framework for future growth in the Palgrave Estate residential community that is grounded in an understanding of Provincial policy, environmental constraints, servicing policies and broader community planning principles.
The open house will include a brief presentation providing an overview of the project and identifying other public engagement opportunities; a poster display with project information and an open session where participants can continue the discussion in their groups, and talk to staff about the project.
For more information, visit or contact Community Planner Margherita Bialy at 905-584-2272, ext. 4049 or [email protected]
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