May 31, 2017 · 0 Comments
By Bill Rea
There are some things even the threat of rain can’t dampen, and that includes the annual Relay for Life at Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School in Caledon East.
Students were out in force Friday evening, accompanied by staff members and volunteers, to spend the night walking laps around the school track to raise money and awareness for the fight against cancer.
“We’re all here because cancer has touched us,” commented Danielle Wadden, one of the student organizers of the event.
She also observed that more than 130,000 people in Canada will be diagnosed with cancer this year, “the people we love and care about.”
Participants also heard from school Chaplain Brenda Holtkamp, who herself has been fighting cancer.
“You are united in a life-changing experience,” she told the students before they started on the walk.
“You are leaders,” she added. “You lead us and call us beyond ourselves.”
The rain held off Friday night as participants in the annual Relay for Life set off around the track at Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School.
Chaplain Nisheeta Menon addressed the participants before they headed out on the course.
Cancer survivor and Chaplain Brenda Holtkamp joined student organizers Victoria Laughlin and Danielle Wadden, as well as Teacher Advisor Christine Mattachini before the start of Friday night’s relay.
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