May 8, 2013 · 0 Comments
In response to growing concerns about
the dangers of prescription drugs OPP
are setting aside this Saturday (May 11)
to take in stray medications for disposal.
Caledon OPP will be taking part in this
program. Constable Brenda Evans said
people can drop off old prescription drugs
at the station at 15924 Innis Lake Rd. between
10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
“Ontarians are among the highest users
of prescription medications containing
narcotics in the country,” said OPP
Commissioner Chris Lewis in a release.
“The number of deaths has risen due to
drug misuse; often, young people will use
medications found in their home medicine
cabinets to ‘get high’. On May 11, police
and medical offi cials will work together to
combat this serious public health threat.”
The province-wide program will give
people with unused or outdated drugs of
all varieties a chance to make sure their
prescriptions are disposed of by the right
hands and not subject to misuse and
All submissions made will be anonymous
and it will not be required to have
the original labelling on the medication.
All collected medications will be incinerated
in a safe and environmentally-
friendly manner.
Painkillers and other medications are
often used for non-medical recreational
use by youth, and police aim to curb the
frequency that drugs are found within
the home. The drop-off also helps to keep
harmful substances out of landfi lls and
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