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Mulligans for Matthew will help in search of cure for CF

May 22, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea
The word “mulligan” is a golf term, which basically means another chance.
That term might take on some extra meaning early next month as Mulligans for Matthew — A Shot for a Cure takes place June 7 at Caledon Golf and Country Club.
The event is being put on in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
Matthew is Matthew Maramier, who was born in Aug. 5, 2012. Not long after his birth, the little Southfields Village resident was found to have cystic fibrosis (CF). His parents, Adam and Gillian are organizing this charitable golf tournament. As of early last week, they said about 100 people had signed up. They’re hoping to have 144 ready to go for the shot-gun start at 1 p.m.
“It’s something we thought we could do to raise funds for the cause,”
Mrs. Maramier commented.
While both parents carry the CF gene, Mrs. Maramier said they were not aware of a family history of the disease. “This is the first time it’s come up on either side of the family,” she said.
This is a serious illness, but there are some positive signs. Mrs. Maramier said her son is Delta F 508, which she said is the most common form of the disease. She said there are some pancreas issues, and will most likely be issues with his lungs at some point, although there have been no serious problems yet. They do chest physio exercises for his lungs twice a day.
“Looking at him, you probably wouldn’t guess there are any issues,” she said.
“He had a rough start, but it’s been pretty smooth since,” Mr. Maramier added.
There’s also a lot of research being done into the disease. It includes a program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Matthew is among a group of children who have provided stem cells for study.
Mrs. Maramier said some people have told her this was a good era in which to have this problem. When it comes to CF, there is a lot of hope, along with a better chance for a better lifestyle.
She admitted it’s sometimes hard to look at Matthew, being unsure what his future holds.
“We hope it’s a long and happy one,” she said.
The idea of a golf tournament comes rather naturally.
“It kind of runs in our family,” she said. “We thought it was something we could put together for people to come out and have fun.”
For more information on the tournament or to sign up, send an email to [email protected] or call 416-770-1415.

Matthew Maramier is seen here with his mother Gillian, father Adam and older brother Ryan, 3.

Matthew Maramier is seen here with his mother Gillian, father Adam and older brother Ryan, 3.



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