June 14, 2013 · 0 Comments
Join Caledon Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) at Caledon Community Services at the Royal Courtyards in Bolton June 21.
There will be a presentation by Shelly Sargent from Sargent Communications from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
She will provide an overview of some of the more common social media applications, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.
A marketing and advertising professional for more than 20 years, Sargent has been utilizing social media as a way to connect with the community since 2007. Sargent Communications specializes in marketing/advertising creative and editorial/commercial writing, as well as extending community relations within the Town of Caledon through various publishing, broadcasting and social media ventures.
“Most people know that a big part of running a successful business has to do with networking,” Sargent said. “In recent years, the advent of social media takes that process to the next level and I’m really pleased to be able to offer a workshop that would be useful for anyone involved in a business or considering a career change.”
Reserve a seat for this special presentation today by contacting Small Business Enterprise Specialist Maureen Tymkowat 905-584-2300, ext. 216, or at [email protected]
Caledon SBEC is funded by the Town of Caledon and is one of the many initiatives operated by Caledon Community Services.
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