General News

Jazz guitar music Friday at Archtop Cafe

May 29, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Nick Fernandes
Jazz guitarist John Pelosi will be bringing his music to the Archtop Cafe in Bolton tomorrow (Friday) between 7 and 9 p.m.
The night will raise funds for the Bethell Hospice. Pelosi has his own reasons for supporting the hospice. His father, he said, passed away under the care of the Inglewood facility, and he is playing in Bolton both in memorium and in thanks to Bethell for making the last part of his father’s life comfortable.
The performance will be at Archtop on Queen Street North, with it’s seamless incorporating of the 3G Studios guitar shop. Pelosi has worked with the owners of Archtop and 3G before, as part of Caledon’s local music scene. He is a regular instructor at 3G and the Guitar Arts music school at Humbershed Crescent, teaching residents to become musicians themselves. His career takes him all over Ontario, playing at venues in Toronto and teaching in schools in the rest of the GTA.
A guitarist since his teenage years, Pelosi said he has taken inspiration the “past 40 years of jazz history.” He is drawn to the genre because it is what he describes as a progressive musical language that is a better route to go in terms of interaction with other musicians.



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