General News

Horticultural society installs new executive at AGM

December 19, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By John Arnott
Assistant director of District 15 of the Ontario Horticultural Association (OMA) Barbara Downey, long-time member of the Nobleton-King City Horticultural Society, conducted the installation of the society’s 55th executive at the Nobleton Community Hall Nov. 25.
Downey has served as the society’s president and past-president and the ceremony was joined by out-going president Deborah Socol, King Township Mayor Steve Pellegrini and King Councillor Debbie Schaffer.
The new president for a two-year term is Lorraine Feast of Bolton, who has served as president of the Bolton Horticultural Society. John Bott (King City) remains second vice-president with the position of first vice-president still open. Directors finishing the second year of a two-year term are Dennis Ball, Kathy Ball and Susan Beharriell (all Nobleton). Directors starting their first year of a two-year term are John Arnott (Tecumseth Pines-Tottenham), Downey, Ingrid Elliott (King City) and Jules Maule-ffinch (Caledon). Socol takes on the role as past-president while Gordon Berry remains treasurer and Serena Edmunds is newly appointed as secretary (both King City).
The highlight of this annual general meeting was the presentation of awards. The coveted Olive Nelson Cup for the novice earning the most points over the year was won by new member Margery Hunt (King City), who also received a commemorative piece of crystal.
With a total of 318 points over the year, Arnott, the only remaining charter member of the society, won the prestigious Women’s Institute Cup, awarded to the member winning the most points in the open class over the year. He earned most points in every flower show of 2013 season and won most points in any one show by having more points than all other competitors combined in the August show.
The society owes much thanks to Nancy Hopkinson (Nobleton), the flower show convenor who so capably ran the flower shows with the help of Kathy Ball and Arlene Heaps (King City) and organized all the awards.
The President’s awards, presented by outgoing president Socol, were given to retiring directors Blair Day, Maria Pedersen, retiring secretary Sheila Middleton (all King City) and outgoing past-president Downey.
Special thanks go to Anita Pulla, membership convenor, and Rosalind Elson, who is retiring from her post as convenor of our garden tour. All, including Deborah, are much appreciated and much loved for their service above and beyond the call of duty to our society. And happily all will continue to be active members.
Of course the meeting’s much anticipated pot luck supper was once again superb. We were delighted to welcome Mayor Pellegrini for the first time in several years. The Township’s chief magistrate was able to attend along with Councillor Schaffer as head table guests. They were joined by long-time society friends Bert Card, past director of District 15, as well as past president of the OHA and his wife Joan (Richmond Hill). Bert, as always, led us in the singing of O Canada. Downey proposed the Toast to the Queen. Robert Downey, Deborah and Scott Socol, Arnott, who said grace, Darlene Jones (Nobleton) and Kathy Ball representing the Nobleton Women’s Institute were also at the head table.
We were also delighted to welcome former society director Tina Stone, formerly of King City and now resident in the Gravenhurst area, and one time society president Kate Agosta and her husband Terry Bidleman, formerly of Bolton now living in Sweden.
The gala evening ended with a demonstration of Christmas wreath making with master designer Marcia Bond of Glen Echo Garden Centre (Caledon East). A draw was then held for all the beautiful wreath she made and those she brought with her. Thank you, Marcia and Glen Echo.
Many thanks to all who set up tables and decorated them and to those who stayed to clean up afterwards, including the mayor.



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