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Hired for the wrong reason

July 4, 2024   ·   0 Comments


Sports injuries are pretty common.

Anyone who enjoys playing tennis, slo-pitch, skiing, mountain biking, or even hiking the Bruce Trail, is taking a risk in sustaining some kind of injury.

Let’s say you’re hiking the trail and slip on a rock, and twist your knee or ankle during a Saturday romp through the woods.

By Monday morning your limb is swollen and painful. A trip to the doctor is required to find out how serious your injury is.

The doctor, whom you have never met before, takes a look at your swollen appendage, then tells you it’s nothing to worry about.

They then suggest a prescription for Minoxidil to be applied to the area.

You immediately question the doctor’s suggestion, because you know Minoxidil is a hair treatment formula – it’s not used for pain relief or injuries.

After doing some research, you find out your doctor didn’t actually qualify for medical school, but was allowed to attend, and given a medical diploma based on the fact that they had red hair.

Would you go back to that same doctor the next time?

Apply that same formula to any other job. Would you allow an unqualified electrician to wire your house? An untrained lawyer to represent you in court? A guy who has never paved a driveway to complete the job for you?

Probably not.

People are generally hired because they are qualified for a position in some way.

Discrimination happens in the workplace, there’s no doubt about that. There are plenty of companies that only hire certain kinds of people.

I used to know guy whose family run business produced a food product and they were quite successful. They hired only Spanish speaking people, and only those that belonged to the right religious cult.

Publicly funded groups, including government offices, are not supposed to discriminate in any way. Everyone is supposed to get an even shot at a job.

At least that’s the way it was.

But the public library in Burnaby B.C., has gone the other way. They don’t hire white people.

They openly discriminate, and are proud of it.

They call it the “special hiring program.”

Recently they had 84 white candidates apply for five positions. Every single one of them were rejected outright, because of their race.

The British Columbia Human Rights Code prohibits discriminatory hiring based on race or ancestry, however the Burnaby Public Library is one of several organizations that have been granted a special exemption by the B.C. Human Rights Commissioner to openly deny employment to white people.

The University of British Columbia also has been granted special program status so they too can openly practice discrimination.

The big joke here, is the person at the library who holds the “Chief Librarian” title, is white. The Special Hiring Program, that won’t hire white people, exempts the position of Chief Librarian from being under that rule.

So, the white woman, who won’t hire white people, is exempt from her own rule. You can’t make this stuff up.

This is what happens when extremism takes over any institution.

The thing is, extremists always end up doing exactly the same thing as those on the other end of the spectrum are doing.

They end up hating each other for having the same behaviour.

The extreme leftists take things so far, they end up doing the same thing that those in the extreme right are blamed for doing.

If the Human Rights Code openly allows discrimination in hiring, I guess it means it’s okay to put a sign in the window of your restaurant that says “No Martians Allowed.” You can insert any group you want in place of “Martians.”

How can the Human Rights Commission even begin to sanction an organization for doing the exact same thing they are doing – and in a public institution?

The Chief Librarian, wrote a report praising their efforts to build an “exempt staff group”, free of white staff members.

Free of white people – except her, of course. What a phony.

If she is so anti-white, she should resign her own position based on integrity.

This type of extremism has no business in government or publicly funded institutions or organizations.

The Human Rights Commission in B.C. needs to change its name, because its current title is misleading.

The last thing I would like to have happen, is to end up in a hospital and notice all the doctors were hired because they had red hair.



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