February 7, 2019 · 0 Comments
Our Readers Write
As I read all these statements from so many politicians and lobbyist complaining of everything Doug Ford suggests, and every single one to help reduce spending.
Did we forget we just finished watching the provincial liberals put us in the poor house and drive the bus so close to going off the cliff? As Ford tries everything possible to operate without growing our massive debt, he gets judged, criticized and thrown under the bus every single day. How about this. If you, the arm chair critics are as smart as you think you are, stop being so critical and try being proactive and bring good alternatives to the podium when you are criticizing what he is doing. We all need better suggestions right now, and we know it takes Team Work to really make a difference. It is very easy to sit in the cheap seats and lob grenades, but try getting involved with solutions instead, if you have what it takes.
Brian Perras
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