
Friday night was a real family affair in King curling

November 5, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Shellee Morning
King Curling Club
For the sheets of King, Friday night curling wasn’t your typical night on the rings of red and blue.
The family names of Barber and Kamstra were matched up during the late draw this past weekend in what was truly believed to be an entertaining round. Both Barber teams, one led by father Dave and the other by son Kyle, battled for bragging rights on Sheet 2, while Sheet 3 featured the teams of husband and wife; Peter and Rosie Kamstra, who were engaged in an end-for- end, animated match that captured the ears of attention across the rink.
The Barber game consisted of dynamic doubles between father and son, with great rock placements by both teams’ front ends. Dave had some great shots delivered from his vice (spare) Peter Wasylkiw while the front end of new curler Heather Vickers and Claire Murphy balanced out the strength they needed to try and over-come the young skip (Kyle) Barber.
At times, the game got tense, but skip Kyle controlled his team’s energy and collected a solid performance by all. Vice Patti Agnew delivered great effort on her rocks to help set up the house for her skip, while new curler John Mulrooney played a simple and confident game as lead. The final end proved to be the most challenging, as son Kyle took over his dad’s team to capture the well-earned win 10-6.
On the neighbouring rink, the atmosphere was totally opposite.
Kamstra versus Kamstra was a spirited affair, which is a given by those who know Rosie, in what was to be the game to watch. For skip Rosie Kamstra, it’s more about the fun that’s at stake rather than the score. Having the hammer in most ends, Rosie and her team certainly made Peter’s team earn their one point per end throughout their game of love. Vice Charles Levine executed some timely draws, applying the needed pressure and keeping his team in the chase. Glancing across the ice, one would see a cluster of “Rosie” red rocks around the target, sitting patiently for skip Peter to test his skills for the steal. Holding their breath in the fourth, Rosie had a chance on a button throw for three points, but only managed to collect a single. New curlers Julie and Chris Sonnen for Peter’s team and spare Shelley Courneya played a solid game, earning honourable assistance. Veteran (husband) Peter offered some “skip advice” to his wife, but independence was key for Rosie in her efforts in hopes of winning the contest. Only once was there heard a cry for the mercy rule as Rosie and her team of Mike Murphy, Ruth George and Charles Levine gave it their all in the narrow 7-3 loss.
Other winners during Friday play included Team Dave Swackhammer who was golden at the helm, along with Teams Doug Brown, Scott Gilpin, Ian Donaldson and Gerry Duffy.
Monday Men’s League posted some interesting games as teams exchanged points on the score board for their fourth game of the season. For Teams Sheardown and Barber, the score board looking like the pendulum of a clock, traded ends collecting no more than a point or two and creating a tight match from the get go. Skip Dave Barber made a perfect chip into the rings in the first end to collect two, and got things going. Mid-way, Skip Larry Sheardown facing two opposition stones, threw an impeccable pressure draw, collecting a point for his team in the exciting stone for stone match. Hit after hit left very few rocks in play by the time the skips were called to throw. In a tight pressure-filled competition, the 5-4 score was laid out perfectly for Team Barber in the seventh as they assembled a three-point end to capture an 8-4 win.
Men’s Invitational Bonspiel
The first annual King Country Men’s Invitational Bonspiel will be held Nov. 22 and 23 at the Trisan Centre in Schomberg, welcoming 16 teams for three guaranteed eight-end games.
The four-division round-robin format concludes with the top two teams in each division advancing to the championship and consolation rounds. Registration of $270 also includes lunch Saturday and Sunday, as well as a special Saturday night dinner event held at the club.
Registration is still being accepted online at or by contacting Dan Steenhoek at
In previous week’s action, Teams Gorsline and Sheardown curled to an exciting finish last week during Ladies Team Entry League division play.
Three different times during the game, both teams had tied the score, proving that both were there to play.
Team Gorsline, skipped by Kathleen with team mates Marnie Deathe as third, Heather Rutledge as second and Adriana Sardella as lead, opened the scoring with a single point after one. Skip Sue Sheardown and her squad of third Shelley Courneya (spare for Cindy Phillips), Anne Savage as second and lead Ann Gerrits replied with their own point for the game’s first tie.
The teams were tied once again at four points after respectfully collecting three markers each after the third and fourth ends. Vice Deathe commented that her skip (Gorsline) crafted a couple of “Plan Ds” to keep them in the hunt, while all four players from Team Sheardown re-invented the A game.
For the third and final time of the game, the score board once again displayed a 5-5 tie heading into the final end. Superior sweeping by Sheardown’s front end of Savage and Gerrits, allowed their skip to throw some meticulous come-around draws that Canadian Olympic Gold Medalist Jennifer Jones would have raised her eyebrows over in admiration. Even Team Gorsline commented on Sheardown’s multiple beauty draws that kept her team in the challenge.
With a skip showdown seemingly in place, it was all up to the last rocks to determine the night’s winner. Gorsline threw her last shot perfectly, setting up for the steal and a win. Sheardown, without a doubt, new it had to be the shot of the night, and relied on her mates to help guide them to victory. After coming up a bit short on her last rock, Gorsline stole the end to win 7-5.
Other winning ladies included Teams Brown, Morning and Bones (by default).
Thursday’s Mixed Team Entry play also caused some excitement with a few tie breaking plays and nail-biting finishes.
Early draw featured Teams Burman and Lupier, who were sitting in fourth and third place overall. Team Lupier, skipped by Seaneen Lupier, Simon Prigmore, Beth Egan and George Gray, played a solid game throughout, challenging the Burman team stone for stone. Skip Bart Burman and wife Sue,along with Steve Bradley and Maria Ruksa, battled end-for-end in the early stages of the game before things got serious in the sixth.
Tied at five points each, the final end came down to last rocks, and with the remaining teams having finished and left the ice level, you could have heard a pin drop when the last rock was thrown. Skip Burman, holding the broom for his wife (throwing last rock), called the line perfectly for his sweepers to control the stone to its final resting place. As the rock glided down centre ice, the curl went in Burman’s favour, parking in the rings for a two-point finish and the hard-earned win.
Late draw saw the first and second place teams of Boynton and Broad going broom-for-broom in a show-down of take outs and button draws.
Skip Scott Boynton and his team of Fran Bones, Don Keough and Michelle Boynton claimed ends one, three, four, and six, while Steve Broads’ team of Jessica Maier, Joe Burnato and Kim Broad collected in ends two, five and seven, resulting in a tie as they headed into the eighth.
As Skip Broad could only stand by and watch what the outcome would be, it was up to Skip Boynton to seal the deal. On his final rock, he made no mistake throwing with perfect weight enabling his team the single point for the win.
King Curling Club is offering Family Curling Oct. 26, and Nov. 2. Sessions are from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and the cost is $15 for all three sessions — maximum $45 per family. This is a great opportunity for the whole family to enjoy some fun on the ice. Coaching is included. For more information, contact Jack Campbell at 905-939-2992 or visit to register.



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