June 18, 2015 · 0 Comments
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is the first GTA school board to name a school after Pope Francis.
Trustees approved the naming of the board’s soon-to-be-built Brampton elementary school, scheduled to open in September 2016, at the May 26 meeting.
“Pope Francis imparts a distinctly human and welcoming approach to the Catholic faith and this is exactly how we see our schools,” said board Vice-Chair (and local trustee) Frank DiCosola, who chaired the meeting. “It is truly fitting that we name our newest school after Pope Francis.”
“Pope Francis has spoken of education as an act of hope, and we are confident that the new school, named for the Holy Father, will be a centre of excellence and hope for the students who will study there,” said Director of Education John B. Kostoff.
Pope Francis Catholic Elementary School will be built on Olivia Marie Drive in the Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue West area of Brampton. With a capacity for 550 pupil places, it will serve students from kindergarten to Grade 8.
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