General News

December happenings coming up at Caledon Seniors’ Centre

November 27, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Margaret and Bill Cunning
There is a poem which says “in December we are nearer to spring than we were in September.”
Now, doesn’t that make you feel better when you have frost on the car and jackets, boots and toques cluttering up the front hall? No . . . oh well, be of good cheer, for December brings its own sense of warmth.
As we retreat from outdoor displays of colour, we fill our homes and indoor spaces with the colours of winter. Wreaths adorn our doors as we step inside to see the glittering Christmas trees, poinsettias, holly and mistletoe. The Caledon Seniors’ Centre is full of all this colour and warmth, so plan to put on your winter woollies and join us for the holiday season.
Mayfield Secondary School will hold their Senior Citizen’s Christmas Social Dec. 4. There will be entertainment and lunch, and it will run from 11:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. It is a free event, but you will have to provide your own transportation or arrange to car pool with others at the Centre.
We hope you will all turn out for our annual Christmas Dinner and Dance Dec. 6. Yes, we will have the usual crackers and silly hats, and a visit from the jolly old man himself. The fun begins at 6 p.m. with a traditional turkey dinner and the dancing and entertainment finishes at 11 p.m. The cost is $20 for members and $25 for non-members.
The Smile Theatre will once again entertain us with their presentation of the Gift of Magi Dec. 12, from 11:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided and the cost is $18. This is a wonderful way to spend a cold December day among friends.
The final event of the year is our New Year’s Celebration, which takes place Dec. 30. It starts at 10 a.m. with fun and games, and lunch will be provided at noon. Tickets must be purchased before Dec. 12 so that we can be sure the event takes place. The cost is $15.
All current programs are up and running well, as are the lunches Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, to which everyone is cordially invited at your “home away from home.”
According to our members, the China trip was enjoyable, but tiring for some. The 13-hour flight, followed by many long walks, was a challenge for some seniors, but others were fine with the itinerary. The members visited eight of the 10 Wonders of China. A few of the highlights were the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Terra Cotta Warriors. They were pleased with the accommodation and really enjoyed the evening shows put on for their pleasure.
For information on all our programs and events, contact the Centre at 905-951-6114; email us at [email protected] or go to our website at
The Centre will be closed Dec. 24 to 27, and Jan. 1. Programs resume again Jan. 2.
As Shakespeare wrote, “At Christmas I no more desire a rose/than wish a snow in May’s new-fangled mirth; /but like of each thing that in season grows.”
Enjoy this special season and travel safe if you are off to see family or vacationing in warmer climes. If you know of someone for whom this time of year makes them lonely or sad, please invite them to join us at the Centre to enjoy some cheer.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



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