General News

CVC to host third Ask the Expert live chat

October 14, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) is hosting its third live, online Ask the Expert event this coming Wednesday (Oct. 21).
In the comfort of your own home, get answers to questions ranging from fish and wildlife to nature and the environment from CVC Watershed Specialist Bob Morris.
Log onto the Countryside Stewardship Connection (, an online discussion forum, from 8 to 8:45 p.m. to be a part of a real-time discussion.
Have you ever wondered why a stream zigzags, or what types of fish are in the Credit River, or how beaver dams are good for the environment? This is the chance to get these questions answered and many more.
“The Ask the Expert live chat on the Countryside Stewardship Connection is a unique way for landowners to directly access the expertise and knowledge of local experts,” said Deputy CVC CAO and Director of Watershed Transformation Mike Puddister. “We encourage landowners to become members and to learn about everything related to nature and the environment and the role they can play in helping both.”
Morris is known for his expertise on watershed science. He can speak endlessly about local fish and wildlife, and he understands CVC’s conservation work inside out because of his 25 years’ experience with the authority.
The Countryside Stewardship Connection is an online discussion forum for rural landowners living in the Credit River watershed. It is a community-based platform where landowners can ask questions, share information, post and map stewardship projects and find out about upcoming local events. With more than 100 members, the Connection is a great place to meet neighbours and share information.
Participants must be a member of the Connection and be logged on to post questions. Membership is free and it only takes a few minutes to enroll. Become a member and be a part of the discussion.
Visit to join. Additional information about CVC is available at



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