General News

Celebrate Museum Month of PAMA

May 8, 2013   ·   0 Comments

May is Museum Month and the Peel Art Gallery Museum and Archives (PAMA) will be taking the entire month to celebrate local culture and history in a program geared towards the region’s youth.
Peel families have already participated in the Water Power Family Workshop, which gave parents and children hands-on learning with water experiments. And a Pay-What-You-Can Concert featuring Toronto guitarist Derek Macrae and his covers of Beatles and Elton John hits.
Tonight (Thursday) there will be a public tour of the PAMA starting at 7 p.m. The tour will run for a half hour and include most of the major buildings, exhibits and artifacts in the museum. The tours will continue to run every Thursday for the rest of the month.
This coming weekend, starting Friday and running into Saturday, there will be a Mother’s Day event where visitors will be given the materials to make cards for their special someone. Both pop-up cards and fixed-medium cards will be made at different times in the day. This event will cost $22.50 per family.
This weekend will also signal the start of the Art from the Inside Out exhibit; made to raise awareness for the struggles of youth and adult ex-convicts and their struggles to reintegrate with society. This particular exhibit, hosted by the Bridge criminal offender outreach program, will go until July 7.
The halfway point of the month will come with the Guess Who’s Coming to Peel free activity May 18 and 19, which will teach families about immigration and migration to Peel in particular. The month will come to a close with a Medicine Wheel making workshop May 25 from 1 to 5 p.m., and the day after there will be a 2 p.m. rock hunting adventure to teach about the regions geology.
For the duration of the month, all admission for children up to the age of 12 will be free except for the Mother’s Day workshop, all events will be taking place at the PAMA in Brampton.



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