February 6, 2025 · 0 Comments
Volunteers to make large batches of soup for food bank with donated ingredients
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Bolton Rotary is cooking up healthy soup for those in need.
The club has recently launched a new initiative called “Soul Soup”.
Caledon residents are being challenged to donate soup ingredients to The Exchange, the food bank run by Caledon Community Services (CCS). They can also donate to Bolton Rotary’s Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk team, and donations up to $2,500 to CCS will be matched.
Once ingredients are collected, volunteers will meet at The Exchange to cook large batches of soup together and then freeze the soup into individual portions so it can easily be given to those in need.
Bolton Rotary member Karen Fast said the Soul Soup initiative has gained momentum rapidly.
“It’s taken on a life of its own, it just seems to be hitting a whole bunch of different feelings and emotions. People want to give back, they want to volunteer,” said Fast.
She explained The Exchange typically goes through a slow period of donations in February after holiday donations end.
“February is a downtime for them, so it’s a great time to boost it up,” said Fast. “We love the term Soul Soup because it gives you some warmth and happiness.”
To volunteer to cook or offer soup ingredients, those interested can email [email protected]. Those interested in donating to the cause can visit boltonrotary.ca.
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