July 8, 2016 · 0 Comments
There was a large and enthused crowd out Friday for the 20th Caledon Canada Day Celebration at Albion Hills Conservation Area. The interesting attractions included an assortment of animals from Reptilia. Blair Watson was helping Gemma Palozzi, 7, from Newmarket with this Dumeril’s boa named Doom.
Photos by Bill Rea
Neil and Erin Sookdeo of Brampton were supplying some steel music.
There was lots of fun to be had at the Canadian Tire Fun Zone. Some of the young folks were practising their soccer skills.
Representatives of the Albion Hills Community Farm were offering information on the programs there. Farm General Manager Amanda Stibrany and Petra Meijer of the board of directors were helping to run the booth.
The Canada Day festivities also offered people the opportunity to take hay rides around the area at Albion Hills.
The West Coast Lumber Jack Show was one of the attractions this year. Clark Ellah was getting ready for the performance.
Everyone likes a good juggleing act, especially it’s performed on stilts. That’s just what Thomas Horton of Bantford was doing.
Anthony Holody, 4, of Brampton was trying his skill at one of the games in the Canadian Tire Fun Zone.
Clowns Bubba and Mrs. Bubba were making amusing balloon toys for the younger folks.
The Orangevile Area Campfire Poets provided some of the entertainment on the stage. They included Steve Batenchuk on bass, Dennis Hahn on keyboards, Geoff Canlett on vocals, Scott Bruyea on drums and Ryan Hancock on guitar. Aaron Soloman is not seen in the photo.
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