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Rotary Club of Palgrave’s Weekly Rotary Minute

July 27, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Nikola Boadway

My first impression of Rotary was that they organize fun events.

Top of the list is the annual Wines of the World, but also the Terry Fox Run, the Rotary Gala and the Community Tree Lighting which we enjoyed when my kids were little. I always knew that once I had more time, I would get involved and volunteer my time somewhere, because I believe that being part of a community means that you take turns looking after each other and give back when you can.

How does one decide where you can do the most good? There are so many options when you think of it — all worthy causes that need our assistance from the shelter, to Bethel Hospice, to the Exchange and many more. I was lucky to know some nice people that happened to be Rotarians. “Those people” kept nudging me gently to come out to a Rotary meeting and that seemed like a good start. The first meeting felt almost like a comedy show to me. I had never toasted to the queen, the little dance they do after the Rotary Grace seemed rather weird and “tableology” (deciding which table got to go up first for dinner) was so dumb, it was funny. There was this comedic banter back and forth between the members that spoke of deep friendship and many hours spend figuring out how to do what they do best. This diverse bunch of people seemed like a really safe and welcoming place for anyone willing to help.

I was looking for a place where I could leverage my strengths and skills to add value to projects and events that support my community. I am creative, resourceful and can get things done. Luckily Rotary is exactly the kind of place where I can do as much as I can to give of what I do best. For the rest — there are other people that excel at my weaknesses. Together, we are quite a powerful bunch of caring individuals that are motivated by nothing other than wanting to make a difference. I like that!

For more information on how to attend your first meeting or for information on becoming a member, please visit anytime. -30-



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