June 11, 2014 · 0 Comments
By Bill Rea
Premier Kathleen was in Bolton Friday, showing something of a knack for making pizza and to make a transit announcement.
Wynne was greeted by Dufferin-Caledon candidate Bobbie Daid and a room filled with party faithful at Caruso Gourmet Pizza, as she announced there will be a GO Transit express bus service between Bolton and the new subway station in Vaughan. That will come into effect, she said, once the station is completed. That’s expected in 2017.
She said it would add to the transit connectivity in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Wynne also stressed the government has a role to play in improving people’s lives, and needs to continue making a difference. Transportation is one of the important items she cited, stressing the need to be able to get people to and from work without daily frustration.
She also said there are some politicians who would stand in the way of such progress.
Wynne said that Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak would cut the investment in infrastructure.
“Just like Rob Ford, Mr. Hudak is about subways, subways, subways,” she charged.
Wynne also used the occasion to boost the candidacy of Daid .
“She is one fantastic candidate for Dufferin-Caledon and she is coming to Queen’s Park,” Wynne declared.
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