January 16, 2025 · 0 Comments
Here is a win-win suggestion…
We seem to have several very big issues and maybe the solution is right in front of us.
The Problems? Too many homeless people struggling to survive with high food anf rent costs. Too much of our economy is Made In China with all the related problems that comes with.
The Solution?
The municipalities in the GTA donate land to be built on.
All the local builders who have done so well in the GTA build some big factory type structures on these lands with neighbouring bunk house type facilities to house all required employees, (a.k.a. our homeless).
All the big auto makers and the like use these facilities to manufacture the parts they need and are currently buying from China can now design and build them right here.
Now the hard part: get trusted organizations like Sally Ann to manage these new big manufacturing facilities that will now house and employee our homeless and give them the break they so need to be able to support themselves with a room and a job. And Sally Ann can easily coordinate grocery stores to help supply food to these facilities similar to soup kitchens and the like.
This can be a win-win if we cut through all red tape and make this possible.
Brian Perras
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