
Wolfpack undefeated season ends with a 7-6 championship win

November 21, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart
After a stellar season that saw the Robert F. Hall Wolfpack football team go undefeated, the squad capped the year by winning the Tier 2 ROPSSAA championship title with a 7-6 win over the Cardinal Ambrosic Riverhawks at Centennial Stadium in Etobicoke.
The entire championship game came down to a single point.
The Riverhawks scored first after a turnover on a Wolfpack fumble that dropped the ‘Hawks on the 11 yard line.
The decisive moment came on the convert attempt when the kick was blocked by Tevin Bowen.
That single point made all the difference in the final score.
The Wolfpack ran into a tough Riverhawks defence early in the game, but still made good gains with quarterback Jake Smith able to hook up with his favourite target, Connor Reiners, on several occasions.
Running backs Michael McPherson and Andre Gordon had some good runs with yards gained to bring the Wolfpack down field.
The RFH squad got on the scoreboard after a series of plays, starting with a huge run from Phil Hasfal on the punt return.
Ball carrier Curtis Fillier drove in to bring the Wolfpack to within scoring distance. Smith finished it off with a four yard run for the touchdown to tie the game at six.
Kicker Gabriel Siemieniec, who had an almost perfect season, placed the ball between the uprights for the extra point and the Wolfpack were in the lead by one.
The RFH defensive squad turned out a solid performance and stepped up to the task in shutting down the Ambrosic offence.
Defenders Dalton Lisso, Bowen and Cameron Gardilcic, were stand-outs, along with the defensive back tandem work of Philip Hasfal and Nick Ristucci.
Ristucci intercepted a pass at the 10 yard line to stop the Riverhawks advance late in the game.
With the three minute flag up, the Ambrosic squad made a final drive to take over the game and with just over a minute remaining, the Riverhawks attempted a 35 yard field goal, but the kick went short and wide of the post.
With the CFL rules in effect, the kick placed the Wolfpack in danger of giving up a one-point rouge, but Hasfal ran the ball out of the end zone to protect RFH’s lead and win the game 7-6.
It was the Wolfpack’s second football championship in the school program’s 20-year history.
The Wolfpack had the best season of any Robert F. Hall football team in the school’s history, going undefeated over eight regular season games, then finishing off with a big win in the semi-final to earn the right to advance to the championship game.

The Robert F. Hall Wolfpack football team claimed the Tier 2 ROPSSAA championship with  a 7-6 win over the Cardinal Ambrosic Riverhawks at Centennial Stadium in Etobicoke last Wednesday. Team captains, Jake Smith, Tevin Bowen, Jake Monk, Jake Sutherland and Nick Ristucci, raise the cup during post game celebrations.

The Robert F. Hall Wolfpack football team claimed the Tier 2 ROPSSAA championship with a 7-6 win over the Cardinal Ambrosic Riverhawks at Centennial Stadium in Etobicoke last Wednesday. Team captains, Jake Smith, Tevin Bowen, Jake Monk, Jake Sutherland and Nick Ristucci, raise the cup during post game celebrations.



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