September 7, 2016 · 0 Comments
Aurora resident Kelly Mathews had a crew of supporters out to join her early last Sunday morning as she set off on her 300-kilometre walk along the Oak Ridges Trail. She walked roughly the equivalent of a marathon each day, and completed the journey at Trent Hills near Brighton. The hike was a fundraising effort for Seneca’s King Campus expansion and the Oak Ridges Trail Association (ORTA). Mathews is the manager of community recreation, camps and the Outdoor Education Centre at Seneca College on Lake Seneca. The target was to raise $5,000, but she had already passed that goal. “I’m just pennies under 8,000 right now,” she said as she started off. Accompanying her at the start Brian Millage, regional director of ORTA, his wife Wilma, Frank Alexander of ORTA and ORTA President Kevin Lowe.
Photo by Bill Rea
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