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Theatre Orangeville’s 2nd Annual Summer Arts Fest set for August start

July 27, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Constance Scrafield

It was so successful last year, it was “a no-brainer doing it again.”

Theatre Aurora’s Summer Arts Fest runs for three days over the weekend of August 11 to 13 at the Mount Alverno Luxury Resort.

“Last year was incredibly successful and we were all really proud of how it had gone and how well received by our patrons it was. We had a lot of fun doing it too,” said Technical Director Lisa Lahue.

Two plays from the Toronto Fringe are part of the entertainment on Friday, August 11, for which theatre executives went to Toronto during Fringe to watch shows and pick amongst them which would be invited to join the festival.

“I saw 25 shows in five days,” she said. “That’s a lot of theatre. The whole process is so enjoyable. It’s inspiring seeing new works by the team producing them.”

Returning home, the team chose Our Little Secret, the 23Me Musical, a true story about an “only child” discovering his many siblings. Fertility Slippers is the story of a Turkish mother and her daughter born here in Canada – their varied perspectives on where they are.

At 50-55 minutes each, two different stories add well to the Summer Arts Fest. Staged outside for a beautiful experience, it is hoped to attract not just younger but a new audience to see a show in a different environment.

Ms. Lahue, overseeing the installation of the festival remarked, “Having laid the ground work last year, things are going pretty smoothly. The artists are ready; everyone is excited to be of the part of the festival.”

Drag Music Bingo is returning after its sold out show last year. Fay and Fluffy, famous children’s television hosts, are bringing their drag story hour to the festival.

Included in the Kids Fest, Eric Woolfe is bringing his Flea Circus, as well as crafts and other surprises for kids.

Lisa Lahue explained, “This is the programming that TOV believes in but with a bit of a twist, with a festival vibe. There’s a little bit of something for everyone.”

A festival of all the arts, there are painters live-painting and teaching a little about painting.

Others will be on the patio while Stan Chang plays the piano and while you enjoy a Sunday brunch buffet, partly a fund raiser for the festival and the arts. Having the opportunity to come together is the point of this event. A Wandering Art Gallery shows art work in the trees to bring different aspects of arts.

David Nairn enthused about the festival, “There’s nothing else like it in the community; you’d have to slog into the city to see such entertainment. We don’t want stuff; we want experiences.”

Some ticketed shows are pay-what-you-can to support the arts and the artists, keeping it affordable.

Theatre Orangeville’s Summer Arts Festival is on over the weekend of August 11 to 13. For all the details, go to

David Nairn promises, “This festival is unique, entertaining, joyous and joy-filled.”



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