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February 13, 2025   ·   0 Comments

Officers from the Caledon Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have laid charges in what began as a report of a collision that turned into a stolen motor vehicle investigation. 

“On February 5, 2025, just before 6:00 a.m., Caledon OPP responded to a vehicle in the ditch on Heart Lake Road, near Charleston Sideroad, in the Town of Caledon,” say Police. “During the investigation, it was determined that the vehicle had previously been reported as stolen. The occupant was placed under arrest.”

As a result, Gurpreet Singh, 28, of no fixed address, was charged with:

Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000;

Possession of break-in instruments.

The accused was held for a Bail Hearing at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville.

The charges have not been proven.

For more information about vehicle theft, visit: https://www.opp.ca/autotheft 

If you suspect illegal activity in your neighbourhood, call 1-888-310-1122. You can also provide information anonymously by contacting Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at https://peelcrimestoppers.ca. When you contact Crime Stoppers, you stay anonymous, and you never have to testify.


Officers from the Caledon Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have investigated two vehicles in the ditch this past weekend that led to the drivers being charged with impaired operation.

“On February 8, 2025, at approximately 2:00 a.m., an officer on patrol on Chinguacousy Road in Caledon came across a vehicle in the ditch,” say Police. “During the interaction, grounds were formed that the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol and was subsequently arrested.

As a result of the investigation, Ravjeet Singh, 28, of Brampton, was charged with:

Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concertation (80 plus);

Operation while impaired – alcohol.

The charges have not been proven.

“On February 9, 2025, shortly after 4:00 a.m., officers responded to a vehicle in the ditch on Old School Road, near Highway 10. During this interaction, the driver was arrested since grounds were formed that their ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol.”

As a result of the investigation, Justin Hans, 25, of Caledon, was charged with:

Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concertation (80 plus);

Operation while impaired – alcohol.

The charges have not been proven.

Both accused are scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on February 27, 2025, to answer to the charges.

The driver’s licences were also suspended for 90 days, and the vehicles were impounded for seven.

Slippery roads and poor judgment are a dangerous mix. The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through enforcement and public education. If you know or suspect that a driver is impaired by alcohol and/or drugs, call 9-1-1. You can also provide information anonymously by contacting Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at https://peelcrimestoppers.ca. When you contact Crime Stoppers, you stay anonymous, and you never have to testify.

For more information about the penalties of driving impaired, visit: https://www.ontario.ca/page/impaired-driving.


Ahead of Ontario Snowmobile Safety Week, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) are reminding snowmobilers that making each ride risk-free gives them their best chance of safely making it through the season.

The risky driving behaviours that lead to snowmobile fatalities are the same ones year after year, as reflected in the OPP’s data.

Over the past 10 snowmobile seasons (2014/15 to 2023/24),145 snowmobilers have lost their lives in OPP jurisdictions. Excessive speed, in particular driving too fast for the conditions, as well as alcohol impairment were among the leading causes or contributing factors in the fatalities. Driver inattention and lack of helmet use are among other factors that have cost snowmobilers their lives in the last decade.

Every year, snowmobilers take unnecessary risks on frozen waterways. With close to 40 per cent of the 145 fatalities occurring on frozen lakes and rivers, these locations account for the highest number of snowmobile deaths.

Riders are reminded that frozen lakes and rivers carry an inherent degree of uncertainty about how safe they are and the only way to ensure one’s safety is to avoid frozen waterways altogether.

Thanks to the hard work and commitment on the part of OFSC Snowmobile Clubs, Ontario snowmobilers have access to an expansive network of trails. Through the OFSC Interactive Trail Guide (ITG) , riders can obtain real-time trail status information to help them choose a safe, enjoyable trail for their next riding adventure.

Snowmobilers are reminded that it’s against the law to access and ride on OFSC trails that are unavailable (all those highlighted in red on the ITG).

With Ontario Snowmobile Safety Week running from February 10 to 17, 2025, riders are encouraged to get up to date on what they need to do to keep themselves, their passengers and fellow riders safe throughout the season.

For more information about the OFSC and snowmobile safety, visit: https://www.ofsc.on.ca/safety/.

In addition to road and marine patrol, the OPP conducts patrols by snowmobile and off-road vehicle throughout the province.

OPP Snowmobile, ATV and Vessel Enforcement (S.A.V.E.) Teams are mobile, four-season teams that target high-risk operator behaviours on trails and waterways, as part of their efforts to reduce the risk of collisions, fatalities and injuries.

As a result of an ongoing police investigation, members of the Nottawasaga Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Crime Reduction Unit (CRU), and Emergency Response Team (ERT) have arrested and charged two individuals in connection to a fraud investigation.

“On June 9 2024, officers responded to a report of a fraud at a residence on Hwy 9 in the Town of New Tecumseth,” say Police. “The complainant reported that the ownerships of two high end vintage vehicles had been fraudulently registered in someone else’s name. During the initial investigation, it was determined that the keys for the vehicles were also missing from the complainant’s home. The value for these two vehicles is over $500,000.

“On January 30, 2025 several search warrants were executed and two individuals were arrested. The key fobs and ownerships were recovered during the search. Items seized during the search consisted of: 11 long guns, 768 grams of Cocaine, a 2012 Chevrolet Silverado, a 2010 Mercedes Benz, drug paraphernalia, ammunition, 3 knives, 4 cell phones, 2 iPads, 5 sets of vehicle keys, and a large sum of Canadian Currency.”

As a result of the investigation, Anthony Fasullo, 30, of Vaughan was arrested at an address on Innisfil Beach Road, and charged with:

Possession of a Schedule 1 substance for the Purpose of Trafficking (cocaine);

Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000.00;

Fraud over $5000.00 – Two Counts;

Use, deals, Acts on Forged documents- Two Counts;

Failing to comply with release order- Three Counts;

Possession of Proceeds of Crime Over $5000.00;

Resist Peace Officer.

The accused was held for a bail hearing and is to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice on February 7, 2025.

The charges have not been proven.

Morgan Crouse, 25, of Tottenham was charged with:

Possession of a Schedule I substance for the purpose of Trafficking – Cocaine;

Possession of proceeds of property obtained by crime over $5000 – in Canada;

Possession Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000 – in Canada;

Trafficking in Schedule I substance- Cocaine.

The accused has been released and is to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice on February 20, 2025.

The charges have not been proven.

This investigation is ongoing, If you have any information in relation to this investigation, please call the Nottawasaga OPP Detachment at 1-888-310-1122, Report Number (E240736122). You can also provide information anonymously by contacting Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit your information online at https://ontariocrimestoppers.ca.



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