
Nomination process was a fiasco

April 4, 2019   ·   0 Comments


The election of the new PC MP candidate for Dufferin-Caledon demonstrates a manipulation of a clearly flawed system which enables a completely unknown candidate to sweep to victory without a single email, pamphlet, press release, phone call, visit, debate, speech or any other public indication of his reason for running, his stance on particular issues, his background, political experience, party loyalty or passion and understanding of this riding. Why did the PC membership not hear a word from this candidate during the campaign period?

His “speech “prior to the voting on March 19, should have been enough to convince voters that he is neither articulate nor strong enough to represent Dufferin-Caledon in the political battlefield known as The House of Commons. If electability was the main issue in this nomination process, how did this happen? Yes, the candidate managed to create new votes but how can he possibly connect with the entire riding in the fall election when he has no interest in presenting his policies and lacks the ability to communicate effectively.

How can he possibly stand up in Parliament and represent us coherently?

The nomination and election process must change to avoid this ever happening again.

Candidates should be proven party members, nominated by other standing members.

Having only a 4-hour window in which to vote is ludicrous and impossible for many.

 Why was the voting window so short?

Why was there no advance polling?

Why were there no debates or party meetings with candidates held prior to the voting evening?

Why has the nomination committee not released the results of the votes?

Why are people who are able to pay a mere $5.00 to become a party member for just 6 weeks allowed to vote?

Eligibility to vote for a candidate should require at least a 2-year membership in the party. This would eliminate the ridiculous practice of soliciting new memberships from friends and family to secure votes. Are these new members truly PC or are they simply supporting a friend, regardless of qualifications, experience or suitability of that friend? Focusing on securing these new memberships rather than discussing issues and listening to what party members want is anti- democratic and undermines any integrity the political process might hope to have.

We have clearly arrived at a new low in Canadian politics and I, for one, hope this is not the trend of the future. We need politicians who are familiar with and can respond to the issues in their ridings, not instant popularity contests.

Barb McKee




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