April 21, 2017 · 0 Comments
What would Easter weekend be without young folks scrambling into a field to collect Easter eggs? The annual Easter Egg Hunt in Dennison Park was arranged by the SouthFields Village Residents’ Group and Renew Church, and even the threatening weather couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm.
There were plenty of fun activities to attract young and old. Evan Armstrong is just 23-months-old, so he wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to be doing with the eggs he was collecting. His father Jeff was there to help.
Photos by Bill Rea
Many of the children got the chance to get their faces painted. Addyson Hayes, 5, watched as volunteer Ursula Mundy worked on a design on the face of her brother Caleb, 2.
The rain was no problem if there was an umbrella handy. Loretto Veneziale, 3, was able to concentrate on collecting his eggs while his father Steve helped keep him dry.
There were opportunities for some creative crafts, and Addison Pratt 8, was working on hers.
The Easter bunny was on hand to make sure everyone was having a good time, including Sofia Arruda, 5.
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