March 4, 2021 · 0 Comments
By Robert Belardi
Leaders begin alone. It isn’t a statement to defame or scare off anyone with a dream to be an inspiration. It’s simply the truth. A sentient being rising up to the occasion to challenge the rule of thumb. The person who wants to go the extra mile to ensure the journey still isn’t stuck at the starting line.
It’s how it all starts, one move without a second thought. Subsequent actions follow to rip apart pre-conceived notions that are embedded within society. With International Women’s Day coming up on March 8: another annual celebration and honour. Enter Eva Havaris.
Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff with York United FC, Eva Havaris, learned what it meant to challenge the rules from a young age. She remembers pestering her mother constantly to play soccer just like her older brother. In the 1980s, her mother approached the coach of a Greek club nearby asking if her daughter could play. When the answer was no, Havaris saw her mother persist until the coach said yes.
“I played with the boys up until I was 14, growing up in London, Ontario. I captained most of the teams I played on, if not all of them, including the boy’s teams,” Havaris said.
“There was nothing about gender going on there. Obviously, I was the only girl, but I was incredibly welcomed by my teammates. My coaches adored me. I was coachable. It was a great experience.”
Havaris was quite the athlete and often one of the best players on her team. She saw first-hand what it was like to be the only girl in the league. Boys tried to intentionally hurt her. Opposing parents scoffed at her. She caught a glimpse of the disparity of women in sport right before her eyes.
She went on to play Div. 1 in the United States and then returned to London to take Sports Management at Western University. She helped coach the soccer team there and worked one-on-one with younger players in the city while completing her Masters degree.
She found her first job in sport with Rugby Canada after graduation and then, at the age of 30, became the CEO of Taekwondo Canada.
She eventually moved to Equestrian Canada as CEO, before finally moving into the Canadian Premier League to where she is now.
But, along the way, Havaris was sought after. A small number of volunteers even worked hard to eradicate her as she worked to bring more integrity into organizations.
“I’ve literally had people say, ‘I personally say I am going to make sure you don’t permanently work in sport,’” Havaris said. “I said, ‘You’ll never take sport from me. It’s been my whole life. I know why I’m here. I know why I’m glad to do this.’”
Havaris says there were moments she felt alone, until she shifted her mindset and received adulation for her work. Integrity is what keeps her going.
Havaris launched her own business, Leadership Mindset by Design, when COVID-19 struck last March. It’s been on her mind for four years.
Her programs and services are for anyone who recognizes that there is something within their leadership or workplace experience that needs to change and evolve. She understands what it is like to feel stuck in limbo as a leader and isolated when trying to determine the next step forward.
“The first thing I teach about is leadership of the self: knowing your strengths and being super clear of what those are, knowing what your passionate about, knowing what your values are and learning how to show up in the environments your’re working in and expressing that,” Havaris said.
“Be really authentic about your style and your approach. Where I think younger leaders have struggled is there is the notion you have to be a ‘type’ of leader.”
It’s when they feel they are at their worst. When someone is authentic to themselves that is being a leader, because you’re being true to who you are and you’re trying to express that in helping others.
Havaris says some of her clients have horror stories from their workplaces. She says it’s quite shocking to hear.
“I work with them to clear that. They recognize that’s somebody else’s stuff going on. Unless they’re willing to be very honest, they’ll never figure out what’s going on with them.”
Havaris coaches people through leadership realms, including how you carry yourself in your personal and professional life. Women have come to her and said they wish they were like her. But Havaris says, ‘don’t be like me, know your strengths and unlock your true potential that is true to who you are.’
She encourages all of her clients to continue to build themselves up and know what their goals are; crystallize their very futures and envision where they want to be in order to be successful. And when it’s all said and done, you can look back with joy, knowing you gave it your all.
Havaris is inspired by her own experiences to be a confidante. Her goal is to help leaders redefine themselves and find their greatness within.
If you want to reach out to Havaris, you can do so at [email protected] for any queries or information on the program.
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