July 15, 2016 · 0 Comments
Jobs Caledon is hosting Easing Difficult Times: Demystifying Mental Illness and Strategies to Cope.
It will be tomorrow (Friday) from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at 18 King St. E, Upper Level in Bolton. The guest speaker, Gloria Segovia, will conduct group discussions on chronic mental health disorders and strategies to cope.
Segovia, with a masters in social work, is a family support worker with Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere. She specializes in supports for families and caregivers of those living with and alongside mental health illnesses.
“From my experience, I have built up a toolbox of resources, information, supports, coping strategies and stories from which I can draw on to ease difficult times,” she said. “It’s a lifeline for families.”
Come to this seminar to ask questions, get informed, and reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Book a seat by contacting Caledon Community Services (CCS) at 905-584-2300, ext. 200, or [email protected]
The Jobs Caledon Employment Resource Centre is funded by Employment Ontario and is one of the many initiatives delivered by CCS.
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