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January 30, 2025   ·   0 Comments

Officers from the Caledon OPP have charged a driver involved in a single motor vehicle collision with impaired operation.

“On January 27, 2025, shortly before 2:00 a.m., officers responded to a vehicle into the ditch on Winston Churchill Boulevard, near Bush Street, in the Town of Caledon,” say Police. “During the interaction, grounds were formed that the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol and was subsequently arrested.”

As a result of the investigation, Matthew Diraimo, 23, of Mississauga, was charged with:

Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concertation (80 plus);

Operation while impaired – alcohol.

The accused is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on February 13, 2025, to answer to the charges.

The charges have not been proven.

The driver’s licence was also suspended for 90 days, and the vehicle was impounded for seven.

“On January 25, 2025, just before midnight, a traffic stop was conducted in the area of Mayfield Road and Bramalea Road, in the Town of Caledon,” say Police. “During the interaction, grounds were formed that the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol and was subsequently arrested.”

As a result of the investigation, Prabhnoor Johal, 22, of Brampton, was charged with:

Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concertation (80 plus);

Driving motor vehicle with open container of liquor.

The charges have not been proven.

“Shortly thereafter, on January 26, 2025, just after 1:00 a.m., officers responded to a vehicle into the ditch on Mississauga Road, near Old School Road. During the investigation, grounds were formed that the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol and was subsequently arrested.”

Ranjit Singh, 31, of Brampton, was charged with:

Operation while impaired – alcohol.

The charge has not been proven.

Both accused are scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on February 13, 2025, to answer to the charges.

The driver’s licences were also suspended for 90 days, and the vehicles were impounded for seven.

“On January 23, 2025, just before 1:00 a.m., a vehicle entered a RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) spot check location setup by officers on Old School Road and Heart Lake Road, in the Town of Caledon,” say Police. “During the interaction, grounds were formed that the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol and was subsequently arrested.”

As a result, Miroslav Demeter, 50, of Caledon, was charged with:

Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concertation (80 plus);

Operation while impaired – alcohol;

Driving motor vehicle with liquor readily available.

The charges have not been proven.

The accused is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on February 13, 2025, to answer to the charges. The driver’s licence was also suspended for 90 days, and the vehicle was impounded for seven.

The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through enforcement and public education. If you plan to drink alcohol or take drugs, don’t include driving in that plan. Instead, arrange for a designated driver, take a taxi or public transit, or come up with another option that takes driving out of the picture altogether. =

If you know or suspect that a driver is impaired by alcohol and/or drugs, call 9-1-1. In doing so, you may save a life. You can also provide information anonymously by contacting Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at https://peelcrimestoppers.ca. When you contact Crime Stoppers, you stay anonymous, and you never have to testify.

For more information about the penalties of driving impaired, visit: https://www.ontario.ca/page/impaired-driving.


Members of the Dufferin OPP are currently investigating a distraction fraud that took place in Orangeville and is believed to be part of a larger, ongoing scam targeting banking institutions across the province.

“On December 19th, 2024, an elderly male attempted to use the ATM at a banking institution on Broadway in Orangeville,” say Police. “At the time, the victim encountered an obstruction in the card slot, and a male suspect, speaking a foreign language possibly Spanish, approached him offering assistance. The victim’s card was stolen, and a replacement card was provided in exchange. Bank surveillance footage shows a female suspect inserting paper into the ATM, while the male suspect removes the victim’s card and hands it to the female.

“This same scam has been reported at other banks across Ontario, and the OPP are urging anyone with information to come forward.”

Suspect Descriptions:

Suspect 1: Male, dark curly hair, wearing a black jacket and black hat.

Suspect 2: Female, long dark hair, wearing a pink jacket and pink hat.

Anyone with information about this theft is encouraged to contact the Dufferin OPP at 1-888-310-1122, or to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or visit www.ontariocrimestoppers.ca. The investigation is ongoing.

“Members of the Dufferin OPP are committed to public safety, delivering proactive and innovative policing in partnership with our communities. Officers value your contribution to building safe communities. If you suspect someone is driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol call 9-1-1. If you have information about suspected unlawful activity, please contact the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers to remain anonymous at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or www.crimestopperssdm.com.”



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