
Golden Hawks have four-point week after 5-2 victory over Erin Sunday

November 21, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart
The Caledon Golden Hawks are edging closer to moving up a notch in the Georgian Mid Ontario League standings after posting two wins over the weekend.
The Hawks travelled to Huntsville Friday to take on the Otters and left with a 3-2 win after breaking a tie with a third-period goal and hanging on for the rest of the game.
Daniel Cafagna opened the scoring in the first period.
That goal was answered by a single from Huntsville.
The only goal in the second frame came from Christian Bonaldi to give the Haws a one-goal advantage going into the final 20 minutes.
The Otters tied the game at two early in the third period, but the Hawks battled back and took the win with a late goal from Jacob Arsenault.
The return to Caledon Sunday night had the Erin Sharmocks visiting the arena in Caledon East.
The Hawks were leading 2-1 at the end of the second period after Brett Bloor opening the scoring with a single in the first and another Caledon goal in the second period from Cafagna.
The Shamrocks lit up the board on their side with a powerplay effort in the second frame.
It was the third period that saw the Hawks buckle down when Bonaldi scored a short-handed goal early in the frame.
The Shamrocks challenged with a single, but two more Hawks goals from Steve Zeppieri and Cafagna sealed the deal for the Caledon squad.
“I think we played really, really well in the first period, and then I think we dropped off in the second then picked it up in the third,” said Golden Hawk forward Nicholas McNutt.
While the Hawks were heavy on the offence in the first period, they spent a lot of time in their own end during the second frame.
“We let off the gas in the second,” McNutt said. “In the first, we were full throttle and playing the systems and doing really well. In second, we kind of tried to do our own thing a little bit. We got back to our systems in the third. We had a bit of a let down when we took a couple of penalties, but other than that we picked it up and scored a couple of goals and put the nail in the coffin, so to speak.”
After the weekend, the Hawks are still in fourth place, but challenging for third with 29 points — two behind the third-place Alliston Hornets.
“We have three wins in a row now,” McNutt observed. “I think we’re just building every game now and building confidence. In the next couple of games we have games we can win. I don’t see why we can’t push for even second place.”
Currently the Penetang Kings are holding onto first place with 35 points and a 16-3 record. They lost to the Schomberg Cougars last Thursday (Nov. 14) and that win moved the Cougars into second spot in the league.
The Golden Haws will make the trip to Midland tomorrow (Friday) to take on the Flyers.
They return to home ice Sunday (Nov. 24) to host the Kings.
The puck drop is scheduled for 7 p.m.



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