General News

Fundraisers held to help Bolton Flood Victims

April 18, 2019   ·   0 Comments


Time for us to come together, Caledon. 

Caledon is known for its community outreach and support, and if ever people were in need, it is the victims of March’s flood in downtown Bolton as they attempt to put back their homes and lives in the near future. 

Already, the community has tried with the flurry of donations of items during a drive organized by Ward 5 Regional Coun. Annette Groves and Ward 5 Area Coun. Tony Rosa from March 27 to 30 at 4 Holland Dr. in Bolton, thanks to Sandy Gregorio who provided access to the building. 

“People have been extremely generous with lots of donations dropped,” commented Mr. Rosa. “Hopefully it will make a difference in the lives of people who are struggling with the aftermath of this flood.”

Efforts are ongoing, and the volunteers are now in the process of sorting the current donations, which were parcelled up based on the requests of victims’ families who came forward expressing their needs. 

Currently, donations are still being accepted at Caledon Community Services, and interested parties can drop off their donations to EVOLVE in Bolton. Among donation items of particular interest are household items, linens, toiletries, tools, and small furniture. To make private arrangements, please email Groves and Rosa at [email protected] and [email protected]

Volunteers are also operating a GoFundMe page at Although affected residents were successful in an application to the provincial government for funds, these funds are both inadequate to cover the many expenses of rebuilding homes, as well as being unavailable until after residents submit invoices for reimbursement in what could be months or years down the line. 

“Although some residents may have flood insurance others do not and although we as a community may not be able to raise funds to help with that, we can certainly try to help with the day to day necessities,” said Mira Budd, the creator of the page and one of the resident volunteers.

“Marion Upshall, Sherry Brioschi and I have gathered a list of families with no insurance for a total of 8 families with no insurance,” said Budd. “We will give each of those families $300.00 each and the rest we will keep until June 15th as we will be going door to door to see if there are any others. If no more families with no insurance or renting come forward at that time the rest of the money will be divided evenly among the original 10 families. I will be withdrawing the money and giving it to the families via certified cheque.”

Hoping to raise a minimum of $20,000, Budd commented that “if half of Caledon gives even $5, that would be a huge help…there’s a number of residents who don’t have the overland insurance, there are so many incurred costs, and they need to put money upfront. We also want them to know that the community cares, and we’re behind them…we know some people who lost everything- everything was damaged and destroyed. I was overwhelmed by the number of things these people are going to need, looking at the damage. We need to help these people, it’s heart-breaking.”

Another fundraiser in the form of a potluck event with raffle prizes (including gift baskets, gift cards, and audio equipment) as well as a 50/50 draw will be held at Sammy’s Grill (15 Allan Dr.) on April 27 from six until 11:30 pm. Attendees are asked to bring a potluck item if they are able with an entrance donation of $5, with all proceeds going towards the flood victims. 

If you are unable to attend, but would like to donate a prize, please contact Marion Wyatt Upshall or Ashley Burns at the event page ( or search Bolton Flood Fundraiser) directly by April 20th to arrange pick up/drop off. If you would like to make a cash donation, please visit the GoFundMe page.



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