General News


August 17, 2013   ·   0 Comments

ELECTROFISHING IN THE CREDIT There was a host of volunteers, including Caledon Councillor Allan Thompson, out Friday in the Credit River in Terra Cotta for Credit Valley Conservation’s (CVC) Electrofishing Volunteer Day. Electrofishing is a non-lethal fish sampling method which allows repeatable standardized sampling of a stream. It involves the use of electrical current to temporarily stun fish so that they can be identified, weighed, measured and then released. The types and numbers of fish identified through this method provide indicators of water quality. Photo by Bill Rea

There was a host of volunteers, including Caledon Councillor Allan Thompson, out Friday in the Credit River in Terra Cotta for Credit Valley Conservation’s (CVC) Electrofishing Volunteer Day. Electrofishing is a non-lethal fish sampling method which allows repeatable standardized sampling of a stream. It involves the use of electrical current to temporarily stun fish so that they can be identified, weighed, measured and then released. The types and numbers of fish identified through this method provide indicators of water quality.
Photo by Bill Rea



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