February 26, 2015 · 0 Comments
There has been a little bit of controversy surrounding Peel Works decision to do an adaptation of the famous March of Progress drawing for their latest recycling campaign.
From Mississauga to Brampton to Caledon, the shock waves reverberated through a few offended citizens and councillors.
Some were offended by the nakedness (side view only), others thought it was racist, and others thought it promoted evolution. Wow. Welcome to the 21st century.
First, evolution does not need any promotion. The scientists practising in this field of study only quibble about the details and no longer consider it a theory, but biological fact. Secondly, the drawing is more sexist than racist since it only features an everyman human. Thirdly, remember that Adam and Eve had to wear clothes because they sinned — nakedness was the holy state. Just not very smart in these temperatures.
When we can no longer keep our sense of humour, and start to get all bent out of shape over a clever ruse to get our attention for better recycling and garbage disposal, let’s remember what happened the last time the religious right got upset over a cartoon.
Thank you Peel Works, for keeping us smiling and helping us clean up our act.
Skid Crease,
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