February 21, 2019 · 0 Comments
A newspaper is better served when multiple viewpoints are expressed
When writing a feel-good article about a new shop opening up in town or a story about a contentious issue, I always try to balance the narrative and incorporate as many important voices as the story needs.
The essence of journalism is to craft stories so you, the reader, have the opportunity to hear the whole side of the argument to make an informed opinion.
A perfect example can be the issue of an asphalt plant in town. In these stories I ensured to have some responses from residents, representatives of developers and town council so that you have the whole scope of the presentation.
Whether you agree with one side of a party, or don’t even agree with them at all, it’s important to have all sides heard and their points across.
Each and everyone have their own personal mandate, or agenda, if you will. They care about one thing more than the other, believing that certain things should be prioritized.
Some believe the environment is important while others may believe jobs and industry should come first.
Whichever way you lean towards, it’s imperative to respect each and everyone involved so they all have a chance to speak.
That is why the letters portion of this week’s Caledon Citizen will feature a column from a Liberal candidate who ran in the Dufferin-Caledon riding in the 2018 campaign.
The stories and letters are meant to be a place when you hear information and can leave with either wonder or wanting to know more. That’s the goal.
Whether you support the Progressive Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Green Party, Rhinoceros Party or have any sort of political affiliation, it’s clear the letters portion needs more voices from different backgrounds.
Each week you’ll likely see a column from MP David Tilson, MPP Sylvia Jones and Mayor Allan Thompson. While serving two different levels of government, Tilson and Jones ran on conservative platforms, respectively.
It is my job to hold them accountable to their actions but I believe it’s important for them to state their opinions from their viewpoints as well.
Thompson on the other hand sits at the helm of a municipal government where elected officials run on a platform to try not try to advance a certain political party’s views.
On that same token, it’s also important to hear the side of those with a different viewpoint so that they are heard instead of being pushed to the bottom.
Even though Tilson and Jones won multiple elections, it’s still important to hear from their opponents even when the election is over – That is why there’s the official opposition in the legislature, to challenge the viewpoints.
I hope you can respect the Liberal viewpoints in this paper. It is my hope that you hear them out whether or not you agree with them or not.
That said, whether you’re a political candidate that once ran or a resident in town, and would like to have your words published in this paper, please submit them to me at [email protected]. Letters of course will be vetted and must present a clear issue presented instead of simply bashing other people. That will not be accepted.
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