General News

Province identifies key groups to receive vaccine first

December 10, 2020   ·   0 Comments

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER The Province of Ontario reports 1,676 new cases as of December 8, with 10 new deaths.  As ...

Santa Claus’ drive-by a hit for community

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER The Bolton Kin Club held their annual Santa Claus Parade and, athough different than previous years, it ...

Proposed bill threatening conservation authorities’ role: CVC

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER Conservation authorities across the province are concerned about the proposed changes by the Province that will limit ...

Caledon Fire completes recruitment for 18 new volunteer firefighters

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER Dream of being a firefighter? Well, Caledon Fire has given 18 residents the experience to learn firsthand ...

Local businesses speak out on impacts of second lockdown

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER As second lockdown continues, local businesses are speaking out about how they’ve been impacted with the holiday ...

Peel region COVID-19 numbers decreasing while in lockdown

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER Ontario reported 1,707 new cases of COVID-19 on December 1, but fortunately, Peel Region is showing decreasing ...

Town of Caledon introduces “Reimagining Winterfest”

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER The Town of Caledon is preparing for the winter season by rebranding the annual Winterfest event into ...

Peel receives funding for isolation site for those unable to self-isolate

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER The Region of Peel has received funding, effective December 1, for an isolation site after concerns were ...

Move to reduce Caledon’s representation at Region draws opposition

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER The Town of Caledon has been shaken by news of possible reduction of the municipality’s representation at ...

Alliston Out of the Cold receives donation to help with coming winter months

Written By BRIAN LOCKHART Alliston Out of the Cold received a major boost to its operating budget with a donation from FLATO Developments. FLATO donated ...

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