
Trudeau is ‘backtreading on his promise’

June 27, 2014   ·   0 Comments

It is frightful that Justin Trudeau, the Liberal leader of Canada, can swagger into political water backtreading on his promise of fair and open politics, ...

Humber Valley Heritage Trail is open

The Humber Valley Heritage Trail has been cleared of fallen trees and is now open to the public. Thanks go to members of the HVHTA, ...

Wonderful editorial on ‘scandals’

I wanted to thank the editorial staff of the Citizen for the excellent and balanced editorial regarding the nature of “scandals” (May 29), and the ones ...

Ducks Unlimited Canada calls on candidates to do more to conserve wetlands

We’re not hearing much on environmental issues this provincial election. Where do Ontario’s party leaders and candidates stand on the significant and urgent issue of ...

New ED at Victim Services

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Dorothy Davis to the role of Executive Director of Caledon-Dufferin Victim Services. Dorothy has ...

Bikers get thanks

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation to a group of bikers. That’s right. It’s time to thank our local motorcycle club, the Hurt’N ...

Benefits to being Fair Ambassador

During my time as the Caledon Fair Ambassador, I’ve been able to meet many exciting people. This is one of the perks of the program. ...

Caledon needs vision

A few days ago, I attended a public meeting at the invitation of the area councillor to hear a developer’s proposal for a potential seniors’ ...

Ritchie Bros. appreciates support at Gold Medal game

On behalf of all the staff at Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and Dave Eccleston of BluePrint Hockey School, I just wanted to pass along our sincere ...

Thanks for kindness

We would like to thank the many people who came to the assistance of our friend who had a severe dizzy spell and fell in ...

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