
Liberals worried about NAFTA?

August 11, 2017   ·   0 Comments

Ed Crewson, in his letter in the Aug. 3 edition of the Citizen, was worried about NAFTA? How hypocritical — Liberals voted against free trade ...

Khadr settlement made sense

Much has been written about the alleged payout of $10.5 million to Omar Khadr by the Trudeau Liberal government. Though I understand the emotions on ...

Payment to Kahdr was ‘sleazy’

Re “Rewarding terrorist at widow’s expense” — Caledon Citizen July 13. Once again, Claire Hoy has hit the nail on the head by telling it like ...

Trump is no Truman

Regarding the June 22 article by Claire Hoy on Donald Trump and Harry Truman: His attempt to compare the 33rd President of the U.S.A. with ...

Use the War Amps key tag

Most of us don’t realize how valuable our car keys are until we lose them. With remote starters and built-in unlock systems, keys are not ...

Bill 41 is ‘truly transforming’ Patients First – helping doctors serve us better

Dr. Constance Weicker’s letter (Citizen, Nov. 10) presents a limited perspective on how physicians can play a stronger role in our health care system under ...

Christmas tradition in Caledon village

The Caledon Village Association (CVA) has been very busy again this year preparing for Santa’s arrival Dec. 3. Our annual parade will start at 5 ...

Caledon’s volunteer and corporate community keep a legacy going

Seventeen years ago, I returned from the Sydney Olympic Games after my athlete Simon Whitfield won the gold medal in the triathlon race. To honour ...

People were out at Cenotaph Friday

Once again there was a quiet, non-denominational service of “quiet reflection, thanksgiving and remembrance” attended by about 60 people at the heritage designated, Bolton Cenotaph ...

Community thanked for support

Global Pet Foods Bolton would like to thank its customers for their generosity during this year’s Show Us Your Heart fundraiser. Thanks to everyone who ...

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