November 28, 2024 · 0 Comments
Campaign encourages people to talk about family and intimate partner violence
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
A recently-launched campaign aims to get people talking about family and intimate partner violence in Peel.
In 2023, Peel Police responded to over 16,000 incidents of family and intimate partner violence. That’s almost two incidents every hour.
On November 25, the Town of Caledon, Region of Peel, and various community partners launched the “Break the Silence” campaign.
It was launched to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and will continue throughout the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.
Caledon Mayor Annette Groves said at a flag-raising ceremony that Caledon is reaffirming its commitment to ending family and intimate partner violence.
“Let this symbol serve as a reminder that we stand united in supporting survivors, promoting awareness, and building a community where everyone feels safe, valued and respected,” said Groves.
One of the main goals of the Break the Silence campaign is to let survivors know there is help and support available to them. The campaign also seeks to challenge misconceptions about family and intimate partner violence.
Break the Silence campaign materials are going to be made available in print and online across Peel throughout the campaign’s duration.
Nancy Polsinelli, Peel’s Commissioner of Health Services, outlined the importance of the initiative.
“Peel’s family and intimate partner violence campaign is driven by the priorities of our community partners. It breaks through misconceptions regarding abuse so that people seek the help they need,” said Polsinelli. “Fostering collective action also means ensuring the capacity exists to meet the increased demand that comes from raising awareness. This includes supporting the community in advocating to other levels of government to make the needed investments in shelter capacity and other services which can help those escaping family and intimate partner violence to be safe and well.”
Andrine Johnson, CEO of Embrave: Agency to End Violence, said ending gender-based violence requires a community-wide response.
“It is critical that we continue to raise awareness about the prevalence and severity of gender-based violence in our community; as well, we all have a role to play in meaningfully eradicating gender-based violence at a systemic level,” said Johnson. “It is also essential that survivors know that they do not have to face violence alone, and that there is always someone available to listen and provide support.”
Sharon Mayne, CEO of Catholic Family Services of Peel Dufferin, said violence against women is often misunderstood.
“There are many myths that we need to dispel so that women feel safe to come forward to get the help they need for themselves and their families,” said Mayne. “We all share in the responsibility to gain an accurate understanding to counter the misinformation that circulates in our communities. This campaign will help us do that.”
Over 25 community organizations, including the Town of Caledon and Caledon OPP, worked in collaboration with the Region of Peel on the campaign.
In June 2023, Region of Peel Councillors unanimously passed a motion to declare intimate partner and gender-based violence an epidemic in Peel, a move meant to draw attention to the growing severity of the issue in Peel.
In 2023, Peel Police laid 617 intimate partner violence strangulation charges. There were six family and intimate partner homicides in Peel that year.
Of all charges laid in Peel in 2023 for intimate partner violence-related incidents, 79 per cent of victims were women.
In addition to 911 for emergencies, there’s a number of numbers people can call to receive support:
Embrave: Agency to End Violence Crisis Line: 1-855-676-8515
Victim Services of Peel: 905-568-1068
Caledon/Dufferin Victim Services: 905-951-3838
To learn more about the Break the Silence campaign, those interested can visit
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