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Allan Drive students support community through kindness initiatives

December 10, 2020   ·   0 Comments



The Principal of Allan Drive Middle School says he is extremely proud of his students who have expressed different ways they can help their community during these challenging times.

Students at the middle school are learning about global citizenship and the impacts kindness has on people by organizing kindness initiatives.

For their first act of kindness, the students put together a winter clothing drive. They filled an entire truck bed full of donated winter clothing and brought into another community that is high on the vulnerable index. 

After seeing the generosity provided by the students, the Allan Drive School Council decided to join in the spirit by approving a $500 donation to another school in the community to ensure other students are supported. 

“The excitement displayed at the school is amazing,” said Principal Jeremy Taylor. “Students and families have really stepped up with food donations. The food drive has been open one week and we have over 1200 pounds of food collected.

“I stand in the front hall each morning to greet our students and [their] smiles fill the foyer as they walk into the building each day with bags of food donations. The positivity is contagious.”

The staff at the middle school developed a new mission statement for Allan Drive to show the community who they are as a school. 

“At Allan Drive, we take care of ourselves and each other.” 

“At Allan Drive, we are helping to prepare students to be positive, contributing members of society. Some of the most important lessons that schools can teach its students is to be of service to others and grateful for every advantage we enjoy,” said Taylor. “The students and staff at Allan Drive continue to demonstrate a commitment to humanity that I am so proud to be a part of.”

The winter clothing drive sparked the first of many kindness initiatives organized by staff and students at Allan Drive.

Most recently, Grade 6 students requested to start a food drive to be able to donate to the Caledon Community Services, Bolton Exchange. 

The community response has been overwhelming. 

“Classes have been approaching the admin at Allan Drive to ask for permission to start their own kindness campaigns. Service-learning projects that have a focus on giving back and taking care of each other will continue as a vehicle of teaching curriculum in classrooms,” explained Taylor.

He added, “the community is very supportive of our kindness campaigns.” 

Peel District School Board Trustee Stan Cameron, alongside Superintendent Michael Logue, joined students and staff on December 7 to make their own donations to the food drive. 

The food drive began on November 30 and is going until December 11. 

Great job to all student and staff at Allan Drive Middle School!



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