July 2014 Archive

Laugh Out Loud was big success for CPCC

Ten years ago, the signature fundraising event of Caledon Parent-Child Centre (CPCC), Laugh Out Loud, was born. The vision of a small group CPCC staff ...

Editorial — Was it an endorsement for Canadian Tire?

One of the interesting things about elections, such as the one we had at the Provincial level last month, is trying to extract the real ...

Editorial Cartoon — July 3, 2014

Bill Rea — World Cup means much to many

I realize I’m going to make a lot of people mad with this statement, but it is a statement of fact. I’m really not interested ...

David Tilson MP, Ottawa Journal — Federal government promotes Canada’s global leadership

Canada is positioned to be a strong and credible voice on key issues in our global community. Our prominence and global influence on the world ...

Claire Hoy, National Affairs — Pilloried for speaking the truth

There’s a popular aphorism of undetermined origin that says the first casualty of war is truth. Well, in many respects, the same things applies to ...

Bolton Dodgers blanked by Aurora in North Dufferin Baseball action

By Jeff Doner The 2014 season hasn’t been kind to the Bolton Dodgers, as injuries and inconsistency have them sitting fourth from the bottom in ...

Subway Athletes of the Week — July 3, 2014

Caledon Bandits peewees win the Bob Batching Tournament

The Caledon Bandits peewee 1 lacrosse team entered the recent Bob Patching Tournament as the host squad. With drive, pure determination and a lot of ...

Town enters agreement for use of ball diamond

The Town of Caledon and the Caledon Agricultural Society have formed an agreement regarding the public use of the lands and baseball diamond at the ...

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