January 17, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Bill Rea
Tanush Sharma has some ideas on how the Town of Caledon should be run, and it’s clear Mayor Allan Thompson is paying attention.
Tanush, a Grade 5 student at Herb Campbell Public School, took part in an essay contest outlining what he would do if he were Mayor for a day, and his was the winning entry.
“We had a lot of them,” Thompson declared as Tanush joined him with some of the official duties at last week’s Winterfest.
He added Trustee Stan Cameron, Caledon’s representative on the Peel District School Board, helped him go through all the entries.
“It was a well-written essay,” the Mayor declared. “Very deep.”
He added Tanush’s concern for people came out in his words.
“First, I would make sure that safety plans are in place for kids, as well as seniors,” was the first suggestion in Tanush’s two-page, hand-written essay.
He also said he would put police on every main road and every school zone to make sure drivers aren’t speeding, as well as push for more community centres, hospitals and seniors’ homes.
“Also, I would fund more children groups like YMCA after-school programs in every school,” he wrote.
Other ideas Tanush presented included getting the chief of police involved in cracking down on drug dealers in neighbourhoods, and increasing penalties for drivers who violate traffic signals.
“I would also donate food, clothing and money to the families in need,” he added.
“All in all, I would like to do these things as mayor because I would hopefully make a difference on the city and the people living in it,” he concluded. “I feel that it is important to show everybody in the region of Caledon and teach them that giving and caring for this amazing world we live in is one of the best things you can do as a human.”
Herb Campbell Public School student Tanush Sharma has lots of ideas on what he would do if he had Mayor Allan Thompson’s job for a day.
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