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“With music, there’s endless possibilities” Carrying on a legacy at Tisho’s Music Academy

September 12, 2024   ·   0 Comments

Kristian Balinov and Diana Valitutti have taken over their parents’ business


Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Music runs in the Balinov family. 

On September 9, siblings Kristian Balinov and Diana Valitutti officially began running Tisho’s Music Academy. 

The academy was started by their parents, Tisho and Mary Balinov, in 1998. This past June, Tisho and Mary stepped away from the business to retire — but they stepped away with full hearts because they knew their children would be taking over.

Kristian said he knew since he graduated high school and went off to school to study music that he’d one day be taking over the family business.

“(My parents) came here with nothing and they built this studio into one of the most well-known studios around,” said Kristian. “I got my education so I could continue what they started, take the studio into the future, and keep it thriving.”

Kristian said growing up, music was always in the Balinov house.

“Watching my dad play drums all those years and then start teaching… he was always my idol,” said Kristian. “You know, it’s funny, I’ve never told him that, but just watching him and (my mom) start this business… I was so impressed.”

Now that they’re running Tisho’s Music Academy, Kristian and Diana have similar roles to their parents. Kristian is a music teacher like his dad was, and Diana handles the business like her mom did. 

Diana said she loves being the one people meet when they walk in the studio.

“I get to listen to everyone’s different stories and meet new people… we have a lot of familiar faces coming in and a lot of new faces too. I love it, I don’t see myself doing anything else,” said Diana.

In addition to teaching drums, piano, guitar, bass, and vocals, Kristian also does music production from his studio in Tisho’s Music Academy. 

He said it’s amazing to see students get good at their instruments, start putting their own songs together, and record them.

“I show them the process to tell them, ‘OK, this is all the foundation of what you learned in your music lessons, your basic scales, chords, all the stuff that you thought was boring, and look what you can turn it into.’ Then they see this amazing song that came from nothing, and they’re just blown away at the basic fundamentals of music, what they can do with hard work and dedication,” said Kristian.

Hard work and discipline are key at Tisho’s Music Academy. 

“It’s all about the basics, you have to learn the right way… we follow strict criteria; we want the students to have the best music education possible so they can take their instrument into the world and do whatever they want with it,” said Kristian. “With music, there’s endless possibilities.”

Diana said there’s some new programs at Tisho’s Music Academy this year. The school is bringing back its preschool music program for children ages two and three, and the mini musicians program for children ages four and five. Once children are five or six, they’re ready for private music lessons.

Tisho’s Music Academy will also be teaching classes on performance to help students overcome stage fright and learn how to command a stage.

Diana said she’s loved running the business with her brother so far and that they bring a great balance to each other.

Kristian said students at Tisho’s Music Academy become like family.

“We hold the same core values our parents built this business on, we become close to every family that comes through here,” he said. “It’s such a family-oriented place and that’s what I’ve always loved about this place.”



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