December 18, 2014 · 0 Comments
The Region of Peel community was invited to join in on the celebration of International Volunteer Day (IVD) at Volunteer MBC’s Annual Holiday Open House Dec. 5.
IVD, as declared by the United Nations General Assembly, is a day that celebrates the efforts of those who have made an important contribution to society by giving their time as volunteers. It is this day that Volunteer MBC acknowledges the support received from their volunteers who help deliver the centre’s various programs and services to the community.
“We are very grateful to the over 400 volunteers who generously give their time, talents and skills to our centre this year,” said Volunteer MBC’s Executive Director Carine Strong. “Our volunteers help out in various capacities, including reaching out and connecting volunteers to over 185 member community service organizations; by assisting us with our community outreach; as well as by providing support with our day-to-day operations. Without the incredible support of so many volunteers, we simply would not be able to deliver our mission. Thank you so very much!”
This year’s event theme was “Show us ‘you’ care,” which also served as the launch of Volunteer MBC’s Holiday Giving Campaign. During the event, guests were provided with the opportunity to place bids during a silent auction which featured various unique items and gifts for all ages. Proceeds raised from the auction supports the Volunteer Centre.
Special thanks goes to all of the volunteers who supported the planning and coordination of the event, including the centre’s event sponsor Scotiabank — Orangeville, who generously matched all donations raised at the event. In total, more than $6,000 was raised, which will be used to support Volunteer MBC’s Training Centre for Service Excellence to provide training for Volunteer Engagement Professionals, volunteers and support youth leadership programming.
Other supporters of the event included Andrew “Drew” Lie (guitarist/singer); Brampton Guardian; City of Brampton; Husky Injection Molding Systems; the Mohawk Inn and Convention Centre; Rogers TV Peel; the ROSE Theatre; RBC Royal Bank — County Court; SLiCK Solutions; Snapd Brampton; T by Daniel; and The WORKS Gourmet Burger Bistro — Brampton.
“Over the past six years, Volunteer MBC has grown significantly,” said Volunteer MBC’s Board President Arno Ilic. “But as demand for the Volunteer Centre’s services has grown, sadly our resources have not. As the ‘Season of Giving’ approaches, we kindly ask the community to consider how important it is to support those who help others give by making a donation to Volunteer MBC.”
“We have all been touched by the caring hands of volunteers and it would be impossible to imagine what it would be like if we were not able to continue our work to support the community with volunteers,” Strong added.
Karen Marciano from Scotiabank-Orangeville; Carine Strong; and Danila Maric also from Scotiabank-Orangeville.
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