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Trustee candidate Maggi committed to student success

October 20, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons

Student success is paramount, according to Domenic Maggi, candidate for Catholic School Trustee for Dufferin/Caledon.

He noted some of the biggest issues facing Catholic education today are declining enrollment, declining budgets, staffing shortages, falling student success rates and ensuring equity and inclusion for all students and families. 

Declining enrollment combined with funding limitations coming from the Ministry of Education have meant budgetary issues and shortfalls which cascade quickly to impact overall student success.

“I am committed to student success, which for me includes academic achievement and mental health and wellness, financial responsibility and equitable representation for all. It is important that student success also include school staff, as school staff are essential to our school communities. When students and families are provided with what they need to succeed, school staff are feeling supported in their work, and barriers to success are removed, we will be better positioned to overcome our current issues,” he said.

In his professional career, he’s had extensive experience working with competing ideas and viewpoints, building consensus, and finding constructive ways forward. In the role as trustee, he hopes to create change, promote good governance and address student and parent concerns. 

Running a school board is complex, and there are many issues that fall outside the control of a trustee and the board itself.

Curriculum, EQAO, Grade 13 and pandemic related health directives come from the relevant government ministry.

“I want to focus on what we can control and improve – student success, equity and inclusion, and financial responsibility so we can provide a better experience to our students and drive enrolment up. If, as school board trustees, we can create opportunities to influence and collaborative with the Ministry of Education, I plan to listen and build consensus with the parents and students of Dufferin/Caledon and bring their voices to the table.”

Maggi promises to be present, available, and collaborative with all stakeholders, including developing relationships with board leadership and fellow trustees.

“My initial focus will be on assessing current budgetary and enrollment issues. Following an understanding of the current situation, I will be developing concrete action plans to enhance student well-being,” he said.

The long-time Caledon resident was given a strong background by his Italian Catholic parents.

He attended Catholic elementary and secondary school, and then went off to St. Jerome’s College at the University of Waterloo.

“I put what my parents taught me into action and was active in student councils, clubs and student welcome activities.

“Running for school trustee is both a nod to the values instilled in me by my parents and a way to show my own children the importance of service to your community.”

Maggi has two children who are in the system now and as a parent, he understands both the joys and challenges the system is facing today and what the future holds.

He volunteered with the parent council and currently volunteers with the Albion-Bolton Agricultural Society as auditor and photographer. He has been on the Board of Directors at Peace Ranch.

“Community involvement is key for me, and I am not afraid of hard work to move things forward.

“I want to encourage Catholic school supporters to think about the future and long-term viability of the Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board. Trustees are most effective when focused on what they can control and not wasting time on matters outside of their scope. I will focus on what matters so that we can improve the success of our students, spend our money wisely, include all students, and ensure that our Dufferin/Caledon community is fairly represented with the right programs and opportunities for our students.”



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