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Transformation of old Bolton Fire Hall recognized for economic impact

September 5, 2024   ·   0 Comments

Humber River Centre opened in February

By Brock Weir

Caledon’s Humber River Centre has been formally recognized for its economic impact and potential.

The Humber River Centre, which was created out of the Bolton Fire Hall, was awarded Bronze by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) as part of their 2024 Excellence in Economic Development program.

The Centre’s honour came in the category of Real Estate Development and Reuse and the facility was singled out as a “catalyst for job creation and economic growth.”

Since its opening in February, The Humber River Centre has become a community hub boasting co-working spaces for the local business community, a full roster of workshops and events catered to small business and entrepreneurship, and it also serves as a base for the Caledon Chamber of Commerce and the Town’s Economic Development Team.

“This project exemplifies how working together can develop long-lasting solutions to community needs,” said Eric Lucic, Commissioner of Planning and Development. “This award belongs to Caledon’s entire team of staff who made this project a success, from Economic Development to Recreation and Culture, Project Management, Facilities, and beyond.”

Kudos also came from Mayor Annette Groves, who said in a statement that the Centre is a testament to community collaboration.

“The transformation of the Bolton Fire Hall into the new Humber River Centre is a shining example of Caledon’s commitment to innovation and collaboration,” said Mayor Groves. “The facility exemplifies the benefits that can be achieved when community organizations and all levels of government work hand-in-hand. I am pleased that the Town’s efforts to revitalize the facility have received international recognition from the IEDC.”

The Centre, says the Town, is Caledon’s most energy-efficient municipal building.

The transformation of the fire hall was supported financially by the Government of Canada.

“Since opening in February 2024, the HRC has hosted more than 50 in person and virtual events, vendor markets, workshops and job fairs, and is home to a growing community of entrepreneurs,” said the Town. “Programming delivered at the HRC is led by the Town of Caledon in partnership with community groups like the Caledon Chamber of Commerce and Jobs Caledon.”

The recent recognition is fulfilment of the vision voiced by Mayor Groves ahead of the Centre’s grand opening this past winter.

“In our strategic plan, we committed to supporting a thriving local economy and the growth of local businesses,” said Groves at the time. “The Humber River Centre is one of many ways we are acting on that commitment, as this business and culture hub will play a pivotal role in supporting the aspirations of our residents.”

With files from Zachary Roman 



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