General News

Town’s representation on Sunshine List drops from last year total

April 11, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea
There were 31 employees of the Town of Calderon who made more than $100,000 last year.
The province last week released its annual list, sometimes known as the Sunshine List, of public-sector employees who made $100,000 or more, and that includes those who work for municipalities and school boards.
Last year’s list contained 36 names of Town employees, which was a big jump from the 15 who made it the year before.
At the time last year, Town Chief Administrative Officer Douglas Barnes said 16 of the 21 new people on the list were full-time fire fighters who received back pay from a “retroactive arbitration” award, another was a public works employee who was elevated to the list after putting in a lot of overtime and four more were managers who had advanced in their salary grid to the point that they passed the $100,000 mark.
Barnes was again at the top of the list this year, with a salary of $216,075.77, plus $1,527.12 in benefits. Others making the list from the Town were Deputy Fire Chief Darryl Bailey, who made $109,932.93, plus $741.36; Manager of Parks and Landscape Architect Brian Baird, who received $107,407.10, plus $760; Public Works Area Supervisor Pierre Baulne, who got $111,847.46, plus $576.18; Senior Bylaw Officer Glenn Blakely, who earned $101,634.99, plus $710.61; Manager of Regulatory Services Leo Butko, who was paid $100,084.37, plus $710.61; Director of Public Works Craig Campbell, who collected $102,115.37, plus $727.08; Manager of Information Technology Paul K. Cerson, who took $100,299.22, plus $710.61; Manager of Recreation Elizabeth Cooper, who made $109,858.91, plus $769.75; Public Works Area Supervisor Broderick Crawford, who received $105,980.42, plus $576.18; Manager of Planning Law Office Patricia Desario, who got $113,072.94, plus $798.94; Fire Captain Phillip Donovan, who earned $113,143.50, plus $771.56; Director of Development Approval and Policy Planning Mary Hall, who was paid $154,208.50, $1,088.37; Manager of Engineer and Construction John Hasselbacher, who collected $103,736.88, plus $735.81; Fire Captain Geoffrey Hoar, who took $114,028.40, plus $771.56; Fire Captain Kevin Hunt, who made $107,283.25, plus $535.94; Retired Fire Chief Terry Irwin, who received $166,262.78, plus $931.92; Senior Manager of Information Technology Epsit Jajal, who got $108,453.60, $766.95, Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Corporate Services Ronald Kaufman, who earned $176,633.03, plus $1,247.78; Manager of Economic Development Norman Lingard, who was paid $100,227.57, plus $710.61; Chief Librarian Bill Manson, who collected $125,369.35, plus $887.20; Public Works Area Supervisor David Morris, who took in $120,598.54, plus $576.18, Director of Human Resources Judy Porter, who made $139,736.56, plus $969.75; Fire Captain Donald Rea, who received $109,048.67, plus $771.56; Senior Building Inspector Mary Schofield, who got $101,436.78, plus $719.29; Director of Parks and Recreation Kristene Scott, who earned $139,695.97, plus $957.94; Deputy Treasurer Peggy Tollett, who was paid $110,726.52, plus $782.35; Manager of Purchasing and Risk Management Amedeo Valentino, who collected $105,073.13, plus $745.44; Deputy Fire Chief Mark Wallace, who took in $123,043.15, plus $785.81; Treasurer Fuwing Wong, who made $139,936.96, plus $987.26; and Manager of Policy Haiqing Xu, who got $112,814.14, plus $798.94.
As well, Caledon Community Services Chief Executive Officer Monty Laskin made $144,531, plus $5,910.
There were 468 employees of Peel Region who made the list, not counting those who are part of Peel Regional Police. That was an increase from the 365 on the list last year.
Regional Chair Emil Kolb was paid $185,146.12, plus $6,797.79.
The top money earner among Regional staff was Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Mowat, who collected $279,287.38, plus $14,834.59.
Other top money makers were Associate Medical Officer of Health Eileen De Villa, who took in $208,688.17, $1,349.40; Commissioner of Employee and Business Services R. Kent Gillespie, who made $201,711.84, plus $15,002; Commissioner of Public Works Daniel Labrecque, who got $217,460.47, plus $17,516.64; Commissioner of Human Services Janet Menard, who earned $212,643.85, plus $14,627.11; Executive Director of Water and Wastewater Mark Schiller, who was paid $195,126.13, plus $930.96; Commissioner of Health Services Janette Smith, who collected $208,443.99, plus $16,168.49; Chief Administrative Officer David Szwarc, who took in $258,382.18, plus $22,779.03; Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner Corporate Services Norma Trim, who made $190,221.53, plus $13,976.45; and Associate Medical Officer of Health Megan Ward, who got $212,821.31, plus $1,357.32.
The two local school boards were well represented. There were 821 staffer of the peel District School Board who made the list, up from 623 last year.
The top earner at the board last year was Director of Education Tony Pontes, who made $259,311.50, plus $1,987.20.
Othe board staffers high on the list included Superintendent of Education Pertia Bent, who got $173,797.16, plus $1,295.10; Superintendent of Education Janet Courtin, who earned $173,797.16, plus $1,295.10; Superintendent of Education — Early Years Jeffrey Defreitas, who was paid $171,080.36, plus $1,326.96; Superintendent of Education Wendy Dowling, who collected $175,443.74, plus $1,295.10; Associate Director — Operations Support Services Jaspal Gill, who took in $173,903.02, plus $1,347.54; Associate Director — Operations Support Services Carla Kisko, who made $181,296.35, plus $1,194.48; Superintendent of Education Hazel Mason, who got $175,443.74, plus $1,295.10; Associate Director — Instructional Support Services Scott Moreash, who earned $199,593.74, plus $1,530.12; Superintendent  — Continuing Adult Education Elizabeth Sinclair-Artwell, who was paid $185,873.43, plus $1,326.96; Superintendent — Coordinating Shirley Ann Teal, who collected $175,682.01, plus $1,368.12; and Casual Superintendent Charles Wright, who took in $189,009.79, plus $939.88.
The Duffering-Peel Catholic District School Board had 636 representatives on the list, an increase from 405 last year.
Director John Kostoff was top man on the list, taking in $255,734.13, plus $10,125.31.
Other top earners from the board included Superintendent Charles Blanchard, who made $173,087.93, plus $792.21; Associate Director Ralph Borrelli, who got $254,276.03, plus $671.25; Superintendent Joseph Geiser, who earned $176,442, plus $805.59; Associate Director John Hrajnik, who was paid $200,278, plus $901.01; Superintendent Marianne Mazzorato, who collected $176,441.98, plus $6,140.72; Associate Director Sheila McWatters, who took in $187,901.66, plus $851.74; Superintendent Nicholas Milanetti, who made $176,442, plus $805.59; Superintendent Denise Oude-Reimerink, who got $176,441.96, plus $805.59; and Superintendent Gail Robinson, who earned $176,442, plus $805.59.



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